Is milk actually healthy, or is it a myth?

In America, we are bombarded by advertisements with the famous slogan, “Got Milk?” They usually feature a trending athlete or popular figure with a milk mustache, and they never advertise any particular brand of milk, rather milk consumption in general. However, it is interesting to note that the ads have not been particularly successful, as milk consumption has actually fallen every year since the advertisements were introduced.

There has been some controversy surrounding milk and its supposed health benefits over the past few years. Several studies have shown that drinking milk may actually not be as healthy as most are led to believe. Milk has a high caloric and saturated fat content, which can lead to dietary issues. Some people believe that milk can help prevent bone fractures, but many countries where little to no milk is consumed have very low rates of fractures. There is also data that shows that prostate cancer could be linked to high levels of milk consumption.

Perhaps the most interesting point in the debate over whether milk is healthy or not is that it may not be a good source of calcium. I found this particularly interesting, because I had always associated milk with calcium and vice versa. Several studies have hypothesized that milk increases the acidic levels in the body. In order to compensate for this, the body will pull calcium from the bones, and therefore reduce overall calcium levels.

Should people reduce their milk consumption levels? While milk may or may not be a good source of calcium, it has other dietary consequences, such as calories and saturated fat. It also is not a good option for the 3/4 of the world that is lactose intolerant. There are better options for calcium, such as kale or salmon. With so much evidence showing that milk is not as great as the commercials would have us believe, people should start using alternate sources for calcium.


2 thoughts on “Is milk actually healthy, or is it a myth?

  1. Kristen Louise Robertson

    Ever since I watched the documentary, “Forks Over Knives”, on Netflix, I have started to cut dairy out of my diet little by little. For example, instead of milk, I drink almond milk. I think at one point, milk probably was good for us, but now a days we really don’t know what is truly in mass produced food anymore. There are other, healthier, ways we can get Calcium into our diets. If you don’t have Netflix, the movie has a whole website that is really interesting to look at.

  2. Allison Voegeli

    This post took me by surprise. I was shocked about the facts you shared about calcium. One of the main reasons I drink so much milk is to get my needed calcium. However, it does make sense because so many people are lactose intolerant. I think that it is common for milk to be difficult to digest but I would have never guessed that it was unhealthy for the people who can easily digest it. Here’s an article to explain more about lactose intolerance and why it is so common.

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