I had heard kissing is healthy before and it seems to me all the facts in this article I read make sense. It actually has some science behind it, which was interesting. Although the exercise of kissing may be minor, it is said that the movement of ones tongue and lips use muscles that actually shape ones face, and this also burns calories (although not many). Another health benefit of kissing that the article stated was that it causes “blood-vessel dilation” which can help get rid of cramps as well as headaches. Here are some explanations of why you can get a headache because of blood flow. Kissing released various hormones in your brain making one happier overall too. Lastly the article says how kissing fights cavities because of saliva production and also lowers your blood pressure because you get a steady heartbeat. While this all makes sense to me this article made me curious as to how valid it was. The scientific facts were there but it lacked its credibility. Throughout the article it refers to an Author of a book about kissing, Andréa Dermirjian, but what makes me know that she has actually done legitimate research? I then looked for another article and came across one called “Chemical Attraction: The science of kissing“, which was way more in depth and described what Demirjian had outlined but way more in depth and scientifically. This was an article explained more of the chemical processes as well as the experiments that actually prove that kissing is good for you, not just stating it. For example neuroscience professor Wendy Hill from the Lafayette College explained how “kissing releases chemicals that reduce stress hormones” and did a study which had 15 people either kiss or hold hands for 15 minutes and measured the amount of chemicals in each person after the time. They replicated this in different settings as well. This type of research being stated in the actual article automatically gives this article more credibility. I thought the first article was good for entertainment reasons, but when you want the proven science of it, the article written by Furtwangler was definitely the more interesting and on point.