Men Need the Moves

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Dancing is something I have always loved. Whether it is on a stage or at a party, I am the one to always be dancing and showing off my moves. One thing people may fail to realize are the judgments that are made on others based on dance moves— especially judgments of men. In a study done at the School of Life Sciences at the Northumbria University it defines dancing in humans as “a set of intentional, rhythmic, culturally influenced, non-verbal body movements that are considered to be an important aspect of sexuality and courtship attraction…” “Dancing ability, particularly that of men, may serve as a signal of male mate quality in terms of physical strength, prenatal androgenization and symmetry, and thus affect women’s perceptions of men’s attractiveness.” I’m sure the guys who are actually reading this blog right now are kind of freaked out. In one of their research methods, they had men dance and they were filmed and turned into avatars on the computer and women needed to rate the attractiveness of their movements. This gave researchers insight to the exact movements that women liked. It was interesting the way they researched this. I thought right off the bat it was an interesting research topic, but the way they had actual men dancing and women observing was a good way of research. The results they found were definitely interesting and I think you guys should all take a look before you hit the dance floor this weekend.

4 thoughts on “Men Need the Moves

  1. axt5166 Post author

    I thought it was hilarious too! I personally love dancing and that is why I actually did this article and study. I was so intrigued that someone actually did the research on this but I guess it’s helping men all over the world. If a guy starts dancing with a girl and it’s terrible the dance will probably last less than 30 seconds because of the awkwardness. I would love to see this type of study done on girls. As much as we think we could guess what guys like it’d be interesting to know the actual facts and scientifically have it proven what is attractive or unattractive. I’m sure it’d be a funny study.

  2. Christina Marie Pici

    This is so true coming from a woman’s perspective. When a guy has no coordination and looks silly dancing, women often tend to think that men would look silly elsewhere. Also, really awful dancing has a funny way of making people just feel awkward whether it is a girl or guy. It would be interesting to know exactly what dance movements women find more attractive and why they feel that way about them.

  3. Alison B Mamtsis

    This is really interesting, I’m so surprised that people actually took the time to do a well thought out experiment on mens’ dancing! I would’ve never thought to set up the experiment as they did, but I also think it may have some flaws. Depending on the situation the men were in the results could be skewed like if the men were told to just dance in front of a camera that’s pretty awkward and they might not dance as they usually do. But, if they just captured men dancing in a social setting and then digitized that, then the experiment would be sound. Also, I think to better the experiment it would help for the women to see the men dancing in person, not an electronic copy of them dancing. All in all it’s definitely a cool and interesting topic that could potentially help men out in the future!

  4. Jesenia A Munoz

    This is so funny that you researched this because it is OH SO true! When I personally see a man dance, depending on the dance style I look for different things. Being hispanic, when dancing latin styled dances, women look for passion and confidence in their dance partner. In other dance styles, I look for rhythm, for the movement of hips and for other body motions. It truly is the difference between being said Yes or No to when you ask a female to dance. Know what you’re doing fellas!

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