The Science of Teeth Brushing

For as long as you can remember you have been brushing your teeth every morning and every night… well hopefully! But Dr. Oz tells us that most of us are brushing our teeth incorrectly. I wondered how can you really brush wrong. Its not that hard and we all have had plenty of practice. Brushing your teeth becomes so tedious and mindless that people do not put effort into doing a thorough job. One of the problems is everyone is becoming lazy. You are supposed to be brushing their teeth for 2 minutes a day and most people only brush their teeth for 45 seconds. The other problem is people are brushing too hard and are damaging their gums. According to Dr. Oz’s guest doctor more than 80% of Americans have gum diseases and do not even know. Healthy gums DO NOT BLEED. The doctors on Dr. Oz’s show recommend that using a power tooth brush is much more effective than a regular manual tooth brush. They compare brushing your teeth manually like sweeping the floor, and power-brushing as using a high speed floor buffer. WebMD tells us that people sometime get over obsessive and over brush, more than 3 times a day is excessive and can damage your teeth and gums. WebMD tells us long stroke are careful and it is much more effective to do small short strokes at a 45 degree angle. Also you should be flossing everyday, which everyone has heard a million times but no one actually does. Some people think that using mouth wash is an equivalent or a replacement to brushing your teeth. That is so false. Mouth wash is an extra not a substitute. Mouth wash is good for oral health and does almost nothing to remove plaque from your pearly whites.

So remember to maxmize oral healthcartoon_of_a_happy_tooth_holding_a_toothbrush_0515-1103-0816-1403_SMU

1. Floss as often as possible

2. Use mouth wash, but also never skip brushing

3. invest in a power tooth brush

4. don’t get lazy, brush for 2 minutes

One thought on “The Science of Teeth Brushing

  1. Brittney Ann Strazza

    I think it is pretty cool that there is so much behind something that most people do mindlessly twice a day. Many people just brush their teeth without thinking and just doing it like they have done their whole life. I didn’t know that healthy gums aren’t supposed to bleed. My gums bleed quite frequently but I think it is because I obsessively brush my teeth. Although I know it isn’t good for my gums, I just like the feeling of having a clean mouth.

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