Where do things in the Bermuda Triangle go?

When I was younger, my parents announced that our summer family vacation would be a ten day cruise to Bermuda. I was obviously excited, but I remember being a little bit nervous because the first thing that came to my mind when I thought of Bermuda at this young age was the Bermuda Triangle. I remember hearing how things suddenly go “missing” in the triangle or “disappear” and I was convinced that exactly that would happen to the cruise ship I’d be on with my family.

Since I’m here writing this, I obviously survived the cruise against my younger me’s doubts; however, now I’m wondering exactly where things that have gone “missing” in the Bermuda Triangle go? There’s a couple different theories suggested by people and scientists as how these people suddenly disappear and exactly where they go. For example, one theory is that this is a result of natural disasters. This suggests that a storm could have come quickly and sunk ships or caused airplanes to crash, but resulting in no evidence. Another theory, is that there’s a “wormhole” that is not yet understood by humans and it transports these missing travelers to other times and places. Also, people believe that it could be rogue waves. These are simply several waves that accumulate together to become one huge monstrous waves that can seriously damage ships, the waves get so high that they could also damage a low-flying plane. Another theory that is extremely popular is the idea of aliens. Most of the alien theories have to do with abductions. To me, the theory of natural disasters is the most practical and makes the most sense. The theory of aliens seems too far fetched, and I cannot fully picture a wave large enough to crash a plane. The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle remains unsolved for now.trianglemap


“10 Explanations for the Bermuda Triangle – Listverse.” Listverse. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2014.

3 thoughts on “Where do things in the Bermuda Triangle go?

  1. Rebecca Sorensen

    This is a really fascinating post, especially because there is still no proof as to what really goes wrong in the Bermuda Triangle. Some theories, such as the alien one, are pretty ridiculous and are probably not the reason that so many ships and planes have gone missing. The rogue wave theory makes sense as to why ships go missing, but does not really explain about the airplanes. Natural disasters make the most sense and is likely the reason that so many strange things happen in that area. It is really interesting though, because the true reason has yet to be figured out.

  2. Corey Michael Lapenna

    I have always been amused by the different stories and theories that have been related to the bermuda triangle. There are too many theories out there that are so far fetched yet people still want to believe them. For example the alien theory i believe is for publicity, anytime you mention aliens people are bound to be somewhat interested in the topic.

  3. Bradley Ross Wakai

    I love this post on the basis that I am fascinated with the Bermuda Triangle. I love watching documentaries on all the ships and planes that have disappeared. I too agree that the alien theory is too far fetched, but I’m not so sure the giant wave theory is too far off. It definitely is a great mystery, but I’m surprised no one has been able to figure it out yet.

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