I have always wondered about this topic because it seems to cause a huge controversy with religion. I am a Christian raised kid who also grew up in a time where being gay was more acceptable than ever. I have gay friends who are also Christian raised but the Christian faith is against same sex marriage, at least it has been historically. Of course there are always going to be insensitive people no matter what type of person you are, but I am very interested to see if being gay is something a person is born with or if it is something that is learned.
In my research, I never came across anything that is 100% clear on this topic. There are so many environmental factors that come into play when discussing this issue. One thing that has been consistent throughout my research is that there is a clear correlation between childhood abuse and homosexuality. Many studies have been done to try and figure out what the truth is, but there has never been a study to prove that someone can be born gay even though that there is some evidence that supports it.
The most common theory is that there is an undiscovered “gay gene” that someone can be born with. Although this would be an easy way to settle this debate, no such gene has been discovered to date. Many studies have been done on this subject specifically and all have ended the same, inconclusive. I believe that some day there will be an answer to this question, but for now, I will have to wait.
This is an interesting topic! Personally, I think most studies are showing that a person can’t be born gay because there is no “gay gene” like you said. The studies also say that there are environmental factors to being gay which proves to me that becoming gay is not something that a person is born with.