Did We Really Land On The Moon Or Did The Hoax Of Us Landing On The Moon Land On Us

One of the biggest controversies in not only the scientific community but in also across the whole world is have we really been to the moon.  On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and ten others traveled and walked on the moon. However, twenty percent of Americans think that the whole thing was a lie. If you ask me I do not know what to believe, but contradicting evidence shows that maybe those twenty percent of Americans may be correct.

One reason that the landing on the moon is believed to be a hoax is because of the impact of landing of the lunar module. The controversy with the impact was that there wasn’t one. This would be highly unlikely because the moon’s surface is covered with dust. Thus, the impact of the module should have left some sort of crater or visual evidence that it has landed. My question that I would like to have answered by NASA, who were in charge of this space expedition, is how could there be footprints of the astronauts on the moon but not any visual impact of a module with thrusters landing on the moon?


Another reason the landing on the moon is believed to be a lie is because the photos that the astronauts took of the earth were lacking stars. But wait how this could be possible if I can look up at the sky and see thousands of them, but in their photos from the moon I cannot even see one. What makes it even more impossible for them to have not seen the stars from the moon is that there is no clouds on the moon so stars should be even more visible than viewing them from earth past its atmosphere.


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My last reason why the landing on the moon is believed to be a fake is because of photos of the waving flag that the astronaut’s had planted on the moon’s surface. If you look at the photo of the flag, it appears to be waving and blowing in the wind. How could this be possible if there is no wind on the moon? The answer is because it can’t be possible.

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I believe that there may have been one way to discover if this visitation to the moon was the truth or not. My idea would be as simple as looking through a telescope. If technology grants us the capabilities to see planets in distant galaxies, then we should be able to simply view the flag that the astronauts posted on the moon. Nonetheless, this idea may no longer be feasible due to an extended elapse of time.


Fox, Josh. “10 Reasons the Moon Landings Could Be a Hoax – Listverse.”Listverse. Listverse, 28 Dec. 2012. Web. 19 Sept. 2014.


4 thoughts on “Did We Really Land On The Moon Or Did The Hoax Of Us Landing On The Moon Land On Us

  1. Jason Brockman

    I definitely don’t think that the moon landing was a hoax. I know people love conspiracy theories but I just can’t see how the biggest moment in space exploration was a hoax.

  2. Caroline Ann Marino

    Heather, I agree. Although i love reading conspiracy theories, this one seems highly implausible on the grounds that Heather stated.

  3. Alison B Mamtsis

    I’ve never seen any of this evidence before, but I’m not going to lie you definitely got me doubting the moon landing. Watching shows like Scandal has gotten me to be very untrustworthy of the government, but I did some research and found that MythBusters did a very in-depth episode dealing with this issue and basically ruled out all of the reasons why the landing could have been fake. You can check that out here: http://mythbustersresults.com/nasa-moon-landing. I didn’t watch the episode so some of the technicals are a bit confusing, but it seems as though they thought of everything to disprove the theory. However, 1. the equipment they used only mimics the conditions on the moon and 2. who knows maybe the government asked MythBusters to do this episode and it’s all fake?

  4. Heather Elise Wagner

    Im sorry but I have to completely disagree with you. Majority of the points you made aren’t entirely correct. To begin with there are indentations in the moons surface where the other pieces of equipment landed along side the footprints. The flag appear to be waving because the bottom rod was damaged when the astronauts set it up. This was a well documented occurrence and there were plans in order to realign the rod and make the flag taunt but NASA decided they liked the appearance of the flag being rippled because it added to the patriot aspect of the success of the mission. As for the lack of stars in the one photo the picture was taken against the sunlight to enhance to appearance of the station if it were taking in the opposite direction the visibility of the astronaut and station would have been compromised and to dark to see anything. We also lacked such sophisticated camera equipment a few decades back. Finally the mission was worked on by a team of over 400,000 people, the idea that all of them could be a part of a conspiracy that the entire world was obsessed with is highly impossible.

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