Having been kosher the first half of my life, I have experienced all of the different kosher foods. I’m asked by many people what being kosher really means. First of all, you are not allowed to eat certain animals – pigs, rodents and birds. Also, when you are kosher you cannot combine both meat and dairy.
In order to be considered “kosher” the animal is killed during a process known as “shechting.” The animal is killed instantly and experiences no pain during this process. Kosher food is carefully watched during preparation; therefore, many people believe that kosher products are much healthier for you. Many people think that “the extra eyes and slower speeds probably allow the government inspectors to do a better job” (NY Times).
After being kosher for such a long period in my life, I truly feel that it is a healthier way of living. There were several unhealthy food products that I wasn’t able to eat before and I truly felt healthier. Overall, it takes a lot of dedication to live a kosher life, but at the end of the day it’s definitely worth it.
It is interesting to read about your thoughts on kosher food. While I do not eat pork or any pork products and I never have milk with meet, I do eat shellfish, which is not kosher. Despite the fact that I was raised this way many of my friends have adopted a kosher lifestyle because they believe it is best. Some people appreciate the more human ways in which kosher animals are killed as well as the nutritional value because kosher is often a higher quality product. I recommend reading this article http://www.oprah.com/health/Dr-Oz-Answers-Questions-About-Kosher-Food for more interesting information about the benefits of going kosher
I messed up my live link from above and cannot fix it so here’s the edited comment…sorry about that.
It’s an interesting concept whether being Kosher keeps a person healthier or not. Whether or not it does make people healthier, npr.org states that America as a whole has become more Kosher. They stated that “Coke, Heinz ketchup, Cap’n Crunch, Budweiser — all kosher. One of the biggest moments in the koshering of America came in 1997 when the Oreo — originally made with lard — became kosher.” All of these options become available in the kosher option because of the level of demand.
It’s interesting concept whether being Kosher keeps a person healthier or not. Whether or not it does make people healthier, <a href="Andrew“>npr.org states that America as a whole has become more Kosher. They stated that “Coke, Heinz ketchup, Cap’n Crunch, Budweiser — all kosher. One of the biggest moments in the koshering of America came in 1997 when the Oreo — originally made with lard — became kosher.” All of these options become available in the kosher option because of the level of demand.
It is sad that all my life I have always wondered what “Kosher” is and why is is so different fromt he food I eat. i never took the time to look into it. Honestly, I always shrugged it off as just a different way of living; a way I wasnt to live. However, hearing now about how much healthier it probably is, Ill switch over to some kosher foods from now on. So thanks!