Is generation Y entitled?

“Entitled” is a term that has become synonymous with our generation. How true that statement is, I don’t know, but what I do know is that everyone around us seems to believe it. I came upon a Reason-Rupe Poll, a public opinion research project, that suggested that indeed 65% of Americans found us to be exactly that. In a society that always publicizes the negative what else was there to expect? But a closer look at the Reason-Rupe poll shows some issues within telephone polling system in general that make me question wether to believe this research. The first of which happened to be that it was a telephone poll. Telephone polls are prone to being ignored, especially with caller ID, and as a result response rates have become a concern. In fact a Pew Research publication highlights this issue amongst its own process. With response rates as low as 9 percent as found in the year 2012 by Pew its hard to see public opinion polls like that of the Reason-Rupe poll as true representations of the American public. How many individuals actually responded out of how many tries was not made clear in the Reason-Rupe poll and as a result I find it hard to completely agree with their research. Until more research is done I guess I and the rest of our generation will wait to see what the world thinks of us.

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