As technology use increases, more and more people today use laptops. What they don’t realize, is that the electromagnetic radiation given off, can be more dangerous than any other radiation in the environment today. When I do my homework, I tend to sit on a chair with my laptop on my lap. You see so many people today even just keeping there laptop on their lap while watching TV or hanging out. There is a lot of research done to prove that laptops are especially dangerous when they are used on your lap. The FCC report regarding safety from EMFs in 1996 states that “A laptop needs to be placed at least 20 cm from the body.” However, this study was only measuring thermal dangers of a laptop. What researchers are more concerned about are the non-thermal hazards of laptops-“The long-term effects on the immune system and the links being drawn between laptop radiation and serious conditions and diseases.” This is an article I found on all of the possible diseases/conditions that are linked to EMF’s.
Research published in the Environmental & Occupational Health journal cites a study in which they measured EMF levels in five commonly-used laptops of different brands. They found that although the EMF values were within the guidelines, “The EMF values in laptops were actually deemed risky in these guidelines for tumor development.” These values are also extremely high when the laptop is closer to the body. Health experts recommend that you put your laptop on a table or any kind of surface while you are using it. They also recommend that if you do use it on your lap, that you keep a pillow of at least 6″ thickness between your lap and the laptop.
Having your laptop on your lap can be especially dangerous for men if they’re concerned about their reproductive health. A study to evaluate the direct impact of laptop use on human sperm was published in January 2012 in Fertility & Sterility, “Showing a significant decrease in sperm motility and an increase in sperm DNA fragmentation. And this was after just four hours of exposure.”
Dr. Blank, one of the most experienced researchers of the cellular and molecular effects of EMFs in the United States, explained how DNA is especially vulnerable to electromagnetic fields of all kinds. He says that there is evidence of harm, and that the harm can be significant.
” As Dr. Maret explains in an interview with, your body is a complex communication system where cells, tissues, organs, and organisms “talk” – it’s a veritable “electronic symphony in your body.” This communication includes finely tuned bio-electrical transmitters and receivers, which are tuned like tuning into a radio station. And when you expose a radio antenna to a significant amount of external noise, you get static, and that is what is happening to your body in today’s EMF-saturated environment” (Mercola).
In conclusion, yes, your laptop is dangerous! To help prevent the harmful risks of EMF’s, there are simple precautions you can take like keeping it on a table top, not typing too close to it, or using a battery powered laptop. These steps are important to remember not only for kids, but for adults as well.
Works cited
“Your Laptop Is Dangerous on Your Lap.” Earth Calm. N.p., 2011. Web. 19 Sept. 2014.
“Warning: Laptop Use Exposes You to EMFs.” N.p., 2012. Web. 19 Sept. 2014.
This concept is extremely interesting to me. I never realized that a laptop on you lap can cause any issues. I’m sitting here right now with my computer on my lap. I am definitely more conscious of this problem after reading this post. Thank you.
This post definitely left me thinking. A few years ago someone told me not to sleep with my phone close to my head because of the same effect. Since then I’ve been careful with wear I charge my phone, leave it sit, etc. But I never thought about my laptop. I feel if more people knew about this they would be more careful when using laptops.
I have always herd that having your laptop on your lap was not the best idea, but now this article really proves it. i wonder if putting something in between your lap and computer will block some of the radiation. Im guilty myself of using my laptop on my lap, but now will start not to and encourage others as well.
This idea is extremely intriguing due to the overwhelming use of laptops in our everyday life. I wonder if the entire population knew and understood this fact, that they would be more conscious of using their laptops. I am pessimistic in this situation. I don’t believe that a fact such as cancer can even rid people of their addiction to a laptop. I am guilty of this as well. We live in a technology centered world, and it is obvious that the population is willing to accept the risks that go along with it.