Why do we laugh?


Everyone is born and knows how to laugh. It is not something that has to be learned, and is something that is very hard to do on command. Why do we laugh? How does everyone know how to do it? How do we know how to laugh before we even know how to speak? Very little is known about this subject. Laughter  is “part of human behavior regulated by the brain, helping humans clarify their intentions in social interaction and providing an emotional role in conversations.” according to NBC news. In a study on why people laugh, undergrad students studied over 2,000 cases of laughter, and looked at what came right before the laughter. They found that people laughed at a large assortment of statements, not just jokes. They found that laughter “punctuates speech” and rarely interrupts sentences.


Laughter bonds people and relationships, and communicates play, part of the reason why children laugh more often than adults do! Every animal has its own form of laughter, even though it may sound different. We do not try to laugh, our brain does it for us! The study conducted told them about when they laugh, but not as much on why.


Gelotology is the study of laughter. When studying laughter, the limbic system becomes super important, and the hypothalamus within the limbic system is the biggest contributor to loud and uncontrolled laughter!

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5 thoughts on “Why do we laugh?

  1. Jiayi Wang

    I think everyone should laugh more because its so good for us. However, even we laugh all the time, no one really gives explanation on why different people laugh about different thing. When you mentioned researchers should study the long term effects on brain. Does laughing more really make people live longer? Here is a website about how laughing can be the best medicine.http://www.helpguide.org/life/humor_laughter_health.htm

  2. Heather Elise Wagner

    I love it when animals laugh! It seems so odd a thing for them to do.Have you ever noticed that in touristy areas or even zoos on occasion certain animals have taken to making fun of the humans they encounter? I know that many aquatic mammals like dolphins have also been prone to laughing along with humans. I wonder if as many animals that laugh also have the ability to cry?

  3. Casey Jordan Leuenberger

    I think laughter is a beautiful thing. I personally think I have a good sense of humor and that leads me to be happier because I laugh all the time! I think it bonds people together as well. I have an eight month old nephew and hearing his sweet laugh lights up the room, and forces a smile on your face. Who doesn’t love a laughing baby? What’s weird is that I believe my dogs can laugh too! Here’s an article to explain whyhere

  4. axt5166

    I never knew there was something actually that was specifically the study of laughter. I think laughing is an important thing that humans do as it expresses feeling and it can be involuntary and uncontrollable. Researchers should do a study on what shapes a persons sense of humor or an observational study on people who laugh more and their mood compared to those who do not laugh as much and the long term effects on the brain. I personally am a laughing addict and don’t know what I would do with my life without it. It expresses happiness and laughter tends to be contagious

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