Can Animals Be Gay?

Are animals gay? Can animals be gay? This has been a question that has been running through my mind (and I am sure a lot of others) for a while now. There has been a lot of controversial discussions of whether this question is scientifically proven or a myth. Animals are extremely similar to humans, and since humans can be homosexual…does that mean animals can be too?


According to Luiz Solimeo, the reasoning behind this theory that animals can be homosexual is due to a few factors. One, homosexual behavior can be seen in animals. Second, nature demands animals to act on their urges and desires. Third, animals’ instincts often determine their behavior. Lastly, homosexuality is in human nature and “man is also animal.”

According to Solimeo, the theory that animals can be gay is purely a myth. He states that there exists clashing stimuli that cause animals to be confused. Solimeo explains this further: “The first observation must be the fact that animal instincts are not bound by the absolute determinism of the physical laws governing the mineral world. In varying degrees, all living beings can adapt to circumstances. They respond to internal or external stimuli. Second, animal cognition is is purely sensorial, limited to sound, odor, touch, taste, and image. Thus, animals lack the precision and clarity of human intellectual perception. Therefore, animals frequently confuse one sensation with another or one object with another.” In addition, Solimeo declares that animals can acquire other images and memories that can get rid of the old stimuli and bring in a new one. This means other factors from their internal or external environment (third or confounding variables) can change the original instinct of the animal. Besides other elements impacting animal behavior, animals do not have the manner to express emotions (fear, pain, happiness, impulse) that humans can on a daily basis. As a result of this, animals often express themselves in a debatable manner; meaning their behavior is open to multiple interpretations.

Some biologists have reported that in a study 1,500 different animal species have exhibited homosexual behavior. According to Nick Collins, research has shown that approximately a fifth of king penguins are homosexual. He also states that gay behavior has been observed in a variety of animals such as giraffes, dolphins, butterflies, and sheep. However, scientists’ beliefs are divided when it comes to this theory and the discoveries (there has not been many significant findings). Bahemihl, who is a homosexual biologist at the University of Wisconsin, said researchers do not believe animals to be gay because they have a “heterosexual bias”. Dr. Antonio Pardo agreed with Bahemihl that animals cannot be homosexual, but many scientists believe this myth due animal behavior that may appear homosexual. Therefore, researchers often assume animals are gay just because they are displaying some sort of homosexual behavior. This is an observable study, not experimental (nothing is observed when making a change).

Albert Mohler from Christian Headlines supports the animals are gay theory is a myth. He declares,”Within most species, homosexual sex has been documented only sporadically, and there appear to be few cases of individual animals who engage in it exclusively…We may be grouping together a big grab bag of behaviors based on only a superficial similarity.” Thus,  this “theory” that animals are gay is more of a belief and curiosity rather than science.


Based on the information above and the research conducted by biologists and scientists, the theory that animals are homosexual is a purely a myth. First of all, there is few evidence and studies that is strong enough to even show correlations to animals showing gay behavior. The feedback that has been delivered from researchers is merely based on perception and what they believe the animals to be doing. So, researchers can assume animals are exhibiting homosexual behavior, but just be performing a daily routine. There are no strong correlations or causations that could link animals to being gay. Rather, the animals could easily be responding to other variables that are affecting their behavior such as outside factors. The temperature outside, the environment that they are in, and the other animals that they are around could greatly influence the way they are acting (maybe making it seem like they are participating in homosexual behavior). These studies that have been conducted are not nearly as in depth as they need to be to confirm this myth to be an actual scientific theory. Maybe in the future, researchers will conduct more experimental studies observing animal and homosexual behavior. As for now, animals being gay is a myth.


One thought on “Can Animals Be Gay?

  1. Nina Elizabeth Richards

    This is actually a topic that has sparked my interest in the past. I used to own a male pony and whenever we walked into the barn, the stallion who lived in the stall across from him used to get so excited. He would whinny and rear and jump around in his stall and would stick his head out as far as possible. It was the cutest thing in the world, but it made me wonder, is it possible that Oceano (the stallion) is attracted to Reilly (my pony)? I mean, Oceano would get SO excited when he saw Reilly and he never reacted this way to any other horse, not even the mares. I don’t have enough proof to be able to make a claim that Oceano was gay but he definitely showed some sort of attraction to Reilly. It was definitely much more than just being friendly.

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