Whenever you hear something is bad for you there is always that question in the back of your mind whether or not how bad it is for you and if there is a chance you can get cancer from it? I believe that anything that is somewhat bad for you can cause cancer. It may be a very small percentage . According to http://abcnews.go.com/Health/w_DietAndFitness/sweet-nothings-artificial-sweeteners-splenda-equal-sweetn-low/story?id=16548908, Sweet’ N low can cause cancer.
Sweet ‘ N Low is known and believed to increase the risk for bladder cancer in lab rats. There is no proven fact that this causes cancer but if you have other factors that lean toward cancer developing cancer, this may add to the development and make the chances of cancer higher.
In conclusion, I believe that Sweet’ N Low does not directly cause cancer, however if you have other factors that lead to cancer it will hurt it and make the chances of you getting cancer stronger.
First off sweeteners normally have aspartame in them or aspartic acid which you can find in almost every soda or drink that is sugar free. Aspartame has been going through many experiments to determine its negative affects long term and short on the human body and scientists feel pretty strongly as of now that aspartame has a direct link to interacting caner later in life along with many other things.