College may cause stress, but your campus can help

I think by now we are all aware of what a gorgeous campus we get to see every day. Of course it’s hard to get up and out of bed in the morning and convince myself to go to class,  but once I’m walking to class, I really don’t mind anymore. In fact, I actually enjoy it because walking around such a beautiful place immediately puts me in a good mood. I definitely don’t mind going to class here as much as I did in high school, where I had to sit in the same ugly building all day. Is that because of the environment around me? Does being in a pretty setting or around a lot of nature have an impact on mood?

Besides knowing that nature is pretty and enjoying looking at a patch of flowers while walking by, there may be a scientific explanation as to why nature makes us feel better. This article explains a concept known as the Biophilia hypothesis: we are hard-wired to connect with nature. When you walk outside on a nice day, you are programmed to feel happier. It is just a part of being human. The article also offers an interesting take on the phenomenon: “Nature encourages introspection because we are removed from the man-made pressures we face in our daily lives. We spend so much time dwelling in these man-made structures…they serve as a constant reminder of the worries, stresses, and anxieties we deal with all the time”. I couldn’t agree more with this. When we are outside, it is easy to forget about the troubles and stress that we all have to deal with. Being in classrooms, lecture halls, or even your dorm or apartment can remind us just how much we have to tackle. I always feel stressed in my room before class, but while walking there I can feel a noticeable difference in my mood and I always feel calmer. I think this is really important for college students because we are all dealing with a certain level of stress, and maybe sitting outside for a few minutes or taking a walk through campus can really help us deal with whatever is going on in our lives.

Of course, a college campus is not equivalent to walking through a forest or along the beach and is not the nature scenario most would think of. However, I personally think that all the trees, grass, and flowers we see can have an impact on how we feel. Going to school or studying at home always felt like more of a chore, but walking to class at Penn State is at least enjoyable because you get to walk past so many attractive buildings and places. Studying seems easier when I go outside or find a quiet outdoor bench or table to work at. I don’t know of any experiments that have tested whether nature makes people happier or less stressed, but the reasons behind this phenomenon seem strong to me and make sense as to why this is true. The next time you feel overwhelmed with homework, exams, or anything stressful, take a quick break and stroll around campus for a while; it could help more than you think!



Happy By Nature

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