Should You Cover The Seat or Squat

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For most of us this is the first time in our lives that we had to share a bathroom with lots of people other than our family. Okay we may have been out and had to use a public bathroom but on a daily basis this is the first time. So let me ask everyone a question, which is healthier squatting or covering the seat with toilet paper?

So I did some research and this is what I found. Medical Daily’s website states that covering the toilet seat may not be worth the time. This is because there are more germs in the surrounding bathroom items than the actual toilet. This includes the toilet paper that you use to cover the toilet. Wow I found this very interesting that the effort used for us not sit on the toilet with bacteria is for us to sit own toilet paper with the same bacteria. Now the question I had was how the toilet paper gain the same bacteria as on the toilet seat. Reading more into the story I was able to find the answer to it and it is more alarming than surprising. When you flush the toilet it disperses the bacteria airborne to other surfaces. So things like the lock on the door that you touch, the floor in which your pants rest, and yes toilet paper too all have bacteria that is found on the toilet seat.

So how beneficial is squatting? Squatting is found to be more productive than covering because you never touch the toilet seat. But as I mentioned before the bacteria is found on other things in the bathroom. With that being said you still have to use the toilet paper which has the bacteria.

In conclusion, I think avoiding the bacteria on the toilet seat is almost inevitable. Our skin has a resistant barrier helps protect you so the likelihood of you getting a disease from sitting on a toilet is slim unless you have an open cut on your butt. However, I suggest that you should buy sanitation wipes to wipe the toilet seat, use your own toilet paper so you won’t have to use the contaminated ones, and lastly properly wash and dry your hands before leaving the bathroom. Also, use a napkin for the handle when opening the door because some people do not wash their hands and then grab the handle.

Borreli, Lizette. “The Best Way To Use The Public Toilet, To Avoid Germs [VIDEO].” Medical Daily. N.p., 18 June 2014. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.

Steve, Dr. “Down and Dirty.” Men’s Fitness. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.


6 thoughts on “Should You Cover The Seat or Squat

  1. jvs6117 Post author

    Good idea Dutt, squatting is found to be the best form of prevention of contacting the germs found on the toilet seat. This just made me laugh this is similar to sex, the best way not to get a STD is not to have sex, same goes with not sitting on the toilet when in a public bathroom. And better yet they both give you exercise.

  2. jvs6117 Post author

    Wow ! Thanks Maryann for the further information. I did not know about the exact types of viruses you could catch and it amazes me how this information is not taught to us as kids. Yes we learn that it is germs but we do not know the extent of it. And just think about the diseases and viruses you mentioned that was on the actual seat and think about when the toilet was last flushed and now how those pathogens are on the rest of the bathrooms items.

  3. Dutt Patel

    Good post, I was aware that the toilet seat has a lot of bacteria, but i was unaware of the extent. I think squatting is a great idea, get some exercise in your life, if your not getting enough.

  4. Maryann Deanna Valentine

    Amazing! It is so odd to see how our assumptions are completely wrong. Ever since I was little, I was taught to always STAY AWAY from the actual bowl because it was filled with so many germs. Now that I’ve learned from you, I will take this into account the next time I am using a public restroom. I also found more information on what is actually found on the seats! Studies show that there are suspects such as streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli and shigella bacteria, hepatitis A virus, the common cold virus, and various sexually transmitted organisms. Good news is Abigail Salyers states “To my knowledge, no one has ever acquired an STD on the toilet seat — unless they were having sex on the toilet seat!” Read the same article I did! It is an excellent read:

  5. jvs6117 Post author

    Your welcome for the post. I do not think a lid for the toilet would do much justice because people would still flush it while it is uncovered. The key thing to pay attention is that the toilet paper have traces of same germs on it so if you think about it we are wiping the germs on ourselves and for females who wipe themselves after they urinate is something that people should look into because that may be even greater harm despite squatting, sanitizing, or any other idea. I think it would be cool for Penn State students to do a study on how much bacteria is actually on the toilet paper and ways on how to try to limit it,

  6. Kevin Zheng

    Wow I would have never known. I am such a hygienic freak and I did not know that I was still being exposed to harmful and dirty bacteria even after covering the toilet seat with the toilet paper provided. Do you think a potential problem is that the toilet seats don’t have a cover? That way, less bacteria could potentially be spread through the air. I’m very concerned now about this because it’s simply disgusting. Thank you so much for the informative post!

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