Genetically modified organisms are found everywhere in todays foods. The most popular GMOs are corn, soy, and canola, which are present in most processed foods available in supermarkets. Recently many dairy companies banned products from genetically modified cows, because their milk contained a chemical (from the mutated genes) that has been linked to cancer. Since the release of GMOs in 1996, there has been an increase in chronic diseases by 6%, food allergies are becoming more common, autism and reproductive disorders are increasing as well. However there is no compelling evidence that can prove that GMOs cause these problems, and my question is why?

The U.S. is one of the only counties that doesn’t require labeling of GM foods, do you know what you’re eating?
The FDA has required no additional tests of GM food, but the only tests available are poorly executed. Such as Monsanto’s (the man who developed GM corn,) studies on lab rats. The study included 400 rats, 80 of whom were fed GM corn and the remaining 320 had varying diets. However only 40 of the rats fed GMOs were tested for adverse health effects, and although many of the male rats had kidney problems and elevated glucose levels (similar to rats with diabetes) their results were seen as false positives because female rats kidneys were unaffected, and the glucose could be explained by genetic factors. In my opinion it is just as likely that there could be false negatives, especially considering the small test group and the short test period of only three months. I find it ridiculous that there are no long term studies conducted to find the long term effects of GMOs on human health.
The majority of studies completed on the topic of health effects of GMOs are all funded by the same companies who create and sell GM foods. I find the bias of the studies conducted in the companies interest and their results showing GMOs create no side effects undeniably evident. How can you rest the health of ours and future generations in the results of poorly conducted, barely conclusive experiments, like Monsanto’s work?
The high amounts of pesticides and herbicides sprayed on GM crops, as they are modified to live through these chemicals, can not be safe. Many pesticides were used for years before they were discovered to be harmful and banned. So why are we sitting around eating foods made of plants drenched in the deadly chemicals?
There needs to be better more conclusive studies done on the effects, short and long term, of GMOs on human health. As of now I cannot say I am convinced to read every label to make sure I don’t eat any GMOs, but if a reliable study was done that could create belief of causation and not just correlation, I might start watching what I eat more carefully.