
Have you ever wondered why some couples have ten children while others are struggling to have even one? A couple’s ability to have children is based solely on their fertility. Both males and females can both be infertile! What causes fertility? In women, fertility can be dependent on your age and genes. Whereas in men, what they consume can largely impact their fertility, claims New York Post.

New York Post published an article that claims beer can increase fertility in men. Massachusetts General Hospital did a study that found that beer can increase men’s fertility, and coffee can decrease men’s fertility. The study had nearly 100 men participants who’s partners were undergoing vitro fertilization. The study found that men who consumed a minimum of a pint and a half daily were twice as fertile than those who did not drink. The study also found that the participants who consumed two or more cups of coffee daily were to reduce their chances of having children by 20%. Experts say that men who have a few drinks of alcohol can reduce a person’s stress level, which can impact fertility.


After reading this article, I personally wouldn’t tell my partner to put down the coffee and pick up the beer. With this being an observational study, I personally think that an experimental study should be conducted on this subject. There should be more participants set into groups that should drink beer while others are placed into a control group and must remain sober. There should also be a separate study conducted with the effects of caffeine on fertility. I believe that there was a correlation between men who drink beer and their fertility, but correlation doesn’t mean causation. The article states “Dudes who downed at least a pint and a half each day were more than twice as likely to have children through IVF than those who stayed stone-cold sober.” This statement doesn’t rule out any confounding variable or reverse causation. Men who drink more could also be more likely to conceive, as well as many other potential confounding variables that weren’t considered in this study. This study, in my personal belief, was a false positive. Consumption of beer could be completely irrelevant to fertility, but the researches decision was that it does increase fertility.


2 thoughts on “Beer=babies?

  1. Olivia Diane Talbot

    I agree 100% with the statement where you said “This study, in my personal belief, was a false positive. Consumption of beer could be completely irrelevant to fertility”. There are so many reasons why a person is not fertile and can’t have kids, but it is amazing that it COULD POSSIBLY be helped by drinking a beer. This article says that beer can make a woman less fertile. Does this mean that if you are not trying to get pregnant, you should drink beer before having sex? haha

  2. Kendall Agosto

    As I read this article I found myself wondering if since men’s fertility was effected by beer because it reduced stress, are their other things that man can do to reduce stress that impact the fertility? Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health and Massachusetts General Hospital found that men that consumed a greater amount of fruit and veggies were more fertile than man that consumed a smaller amount of fruits and veggies. But, if the fruits and veggies these men consumed had a significant amount of pesticides, they became more infertile. So whether a men can become more fertile from eating these foods is dependent on if it has a large amount of pesticides. But this study shows that men can do more than consume alcohol to get their fertility up.

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