Today, I will write about negative effects of sleeping right after eating. The reason why I chose this topic is because I get so sleepy after meals and even if I try to wake myself up, I end up sleeping eventually after few minutes. When I wake up after the short nap, my stomach is bloated and I feel like the food that I just had have not digested yet. I did some research to see if there’s any defect of eating before sleeping to straighten my sleeping habit after meals.
First negative effect is increase risk of stroke. There was a study done at the University of Ioannia Medical School in Greece with 500 relatively healthy people. Among 500 people, half of them have experienced strokes in previous years and the other half were diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome. The result of this study found out that people who gave time gaps between eating and sleeping had lower risk of getting a stroke. The researchers said that, the risk could be reduced by 10 % every twenty minutes you wait after eating before bed time.
Secondly, asthma could get worse for asthmatics if they eat before sleeping. Last 2004, 261 people with asthma, and 218 people without asthma were interviewed by The American Journal of Gastroenterology. Those people who had asthma experienced seriousness gastroesophageal reflux symptoms eating before bed time. The researchers in this organization concluded that, the habit of eating before sleep could be problematic to asthmatics.
Although most people believe that sleeping right after eating will result in weight gain, the research done by Massachusetts Institute of Technology stated that, the idea that you eat before bed turns to fat is not true at all.
Overall, stroke and asthma could be prevented by giving enough time gaps in between bed time and the time you had your meal. Also, I was very happy to find out the real answer to weight gain that it is just a theory.
Being a college student, we stay up studying until 3 am for hours on end and are bound to be snacking before we go to sleep. When I read your post, I was extremely relieved to discover that late night eating does not cause weight gain, because that’s what I’ve always been told. Except, I decided to look it up myself as well because I was interested, and WebMD ( states that there is no definitive answer as to whether or not, “calories eaten at night are more likely to cause weight gain than those eaten early in the day.” Hopefully, (at least for my sake) they don’t!
Although the findings in this article are quite scary, I am happy to hear that eating food before sleeping doesn’t cause weight gain because I always eat before I go to bed. With all the work I get in college, I am up all hours of the day doing work and sometimes I feel like I need to eat 4 or even 5 meals in a day because I’m up for such a long period of time. So the fact that I won’t be gaining weird based on when I fall asleep is very good news. But according to Muscle and Fitness Magazine, eating a spoonful of peanut butter before butter is good because it can slow digestion and keep muscle breakdown at bay. So it is proven that eating certain food before bed can actually help your body!
I never even thought about the fact that this was bad for you and put you at risk of a stroke and increased risk of asthma. Like you, I also always find myself exhausted and ready to sleep after I eat and often do. Onr thing that I have heard before was that eating before bed causes nightmares in your sleep at night. Turns out, nightmares are caused by many factors such as stress, the use of drugs or alcohol, trauma, and one of the most obvious of all, watching scary movies at night. ( this is a link that describes why these factors cause nightmares, as well as the lingering symptoms of having night mares. Unfortunately, none of the causes of nightmares were listed as eating before bed.
This article caught my eye because I am always someone that loves to have a snack before bedtime. Although these possibilities scare me look at the good effects I found in a different article!
I always thought that eating and going to sleep would make you fat, but now I see that that’s not the case. I found this blog post very interesting because I never realize other factors that are at stake. Meaning, I realized that since you’re digesting your food, your body is working yet trying to relax at the same time. However, it has also been said that depending on the type of food that you eat and the amount dictates how well you’ll sleep that night. Which also makes sense since your body needs to work harder to digest food.,,20628881,00.html