The Effects of Exercise

Exercise is something that researchers says that humans should do every single day, some form of it. Obviously, to stay fit, but are there other reasons that researches want you to stay active?

loverunmain Apparently, a work out at the gym for 30 minutes can make you a happier human being. According to this site,, physical activity stimulates different brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed. Also, you my feel better about your appearance and have more confidence in yourself on a daily basis. This can improve our self-esteem and boost your confidence. Exercise also can boost your energy. Regular physical activity can improve your muscle strength and strengthen your endurance. Exercise and physical activity deliver oxygen and nutrients into your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system to work more efficiently. When your heart and lungs start to work more efficiently, then you have the energy to daily things such as chores or run errands.

Also, this website says that it promotes you to get better sleep. It can help you to fall asleep faster and deepen your sleep. This is great, especially when you are having troubles sleeping. Exercise also decreases your risks of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, and many other things. It does improve your sense of well-being and your metabolic system.

According to, exercise can help change other dangerous lifestyles habits. A 2007 review of existing studies found that moderate exercise, for as little as 5 minutes at a time, can help combat the nicotine withdrawal symptoms people have when they try to stop smoking. This is interesting how effective a little bit of exercise can do.

3 thoughts on “The Effects of Exercise

  1. Nicole Kristen Abunassar

    I completely agree with the main points of your post. Exercising makes me feel better regarding both confidence and health. I also exercise at night to help me fall asleep, it relaxes me and tires me out, the perfect combination to help induce sleep.

  2. Ethan Asam

    I knew exercise was good for you but I didn’t know it was this good for you. Literally every aspect of life can be improved by a little exercise ranging from sleeping to happiness to helping people stop smoking. I exercise but this just makes me want to exercise even more because maybe if I do I will feel great 100% of the time. I don’t always get the best sleep so maybe by exercising more, I can have a deeper longer sleep because of the extra training. Lastly it just makes you feel good so why not.

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