Are you a face-ist?

Some people would say that other people in the world judge people based on their facial features; the way they look like. Sometimes, these opinions can be used to make important decisions for a job, organization, etc. Judging people based on their looks isn’t something we should do on a daily basis. It is not giving the person an equal opportunity for them. We think about the superficial things in life and based our opinions off of that.

Dr. Christopher Olivola, lead author of the paper and a marketing professor at Carnegie Mellon University’s Tepper School of Business, said in a written statement, “This is a troubling human tendency that needs to be corrected, or at least mitigated, because faces are not valid predictors of a person’s traits.”

Olivola conducted surveys where people are asked to look at pictures and study others’ facial features. According to the Huffington Post, “ These studies linked certain appearances to significant social outcomes, indicating that people have a consistent positive bias for some facial features and a consistent negative bias against others independent of age, attractiveness, ethnicity, or gender.”

The research suggests that based on your facial structure, you could be trustworthy or not. Higher cheekbones and high eyebrows go with the trustworthy personality.

I don’t think that there is anyway to really analyze this situation. Everyone will be giving their own opinion on whether they think that person it attractive, trustworthy or etc. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but everyone has a different opinion from the next. Researchers could try to find out if something in the brain is related to the choosing of the “more attractive” person. For example, what certain features are more appealing than others to people when they are considered “attractive.”



face grid

6 thoughts on “Are you a face-ist?

  1. Cheyenne Rae Hess

    I can also see how people judge others on their facial appearances, it’s just like judging a book by it’s cover. People like to say they don’t do it, but it happens all the time. Although it may be a unfair judgement, it is reality, and in reality things are not always fair. It is surprising that people can form such strong opinions based on appearances, but they also do that with other aspects of life too.

  2. Casey Jordan Leuenberger

    I couldn’t agree with Dr. Olivola more! I have been told many times that I have “chronic brat face.” People are always asking whether or not I’m okay, or I look upset. I’m a pretty happy person! Yet, my natural face says otherwise. No matter how hard you try, you will judge someone based off their appearance before you utter one word to them. I think that how you deal with you opinion and how you treat someone is completely in your hands.

  3. Leona Kogan

    I can totally see how people judge others based on their face. To be honest, I judge people on the way they look all the time. Some people have friendly faces and of course some people have “resting bitch face” (including myself). Here is an article that discusses how some people don’t even realize they have stern look on their faces and how this is becoming a real issue.

  4. Rachel M Arndt

    I agree with what you said about analyzing the opinions of others. I find this topic very difficult to actually get down in a factual way. People can lie about what they judge people on to sound nice. People also have different experiences in their life that create stereotypes for “high cheek boned” individuals. We sometimes see elderly couples are cute wrinkly people, but maybe having evil grandparents will change that view! More information on how this is processed into people’s opinions would be interesting to see.

  5. Emily A Glogowski

    This article is very interesting! I sometimes find myself judging people on the way they look but I know that is not a fair judgement. I had no idea people can make such rash conclusions based on ones facial features. I would love to see more on this topic and the basis for people making these types of conclusions!

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