Will taking hot showers damage your skin?




I always take really long hot showers. My roommates at school and my family at home never stop nagging me about how long I spend in the shower and that there’s never any hot water left. My quickest shower is 20 minutes, and I always turn the heat all the way up. For the longest time I didn’t think that there were any negative things that could come from a long hot shower. But I guess the saying, “too much of anything isn’t good for you” is pretty true in this situation. In these 2 articles I found they talk about what hot water does to your skin when you are exposed to it for a prolonged period of time, and some of the pros of hot showers. For me hot showers are very relaxing and soothing while also clearing my sinuses. In the first article it says, “Hot showers can relieve tension and soothe stiff muscles. A hot shower also acts as a natural decongestant to relieve cold symptoms, since the hot steam moisturizes nasal passages.” As it turns out hot shower water can be damaging to skin when exposed for long periods of time. In the second article it talks about some of the damage that can happen. “Hot showers feel great, but exposing your skin to extreme temperatures can be damaging. The heat from a hot shower breaks down the lipid barriers in your skin, which can lead to a loss of moisture. The longer you are exposed to the hot water, the drier your skin becomes. Dry skin looks and feels rough, and can become itchy. When you have dry skin, you are also more prone to developing fine lines and wrinkles.” I think that as long as you moisturize your skin well you will be alright. I use lotion every time I get out of the shower so I am sticking to my amazing long hot showers! So if you love hot showers like I do just make sure you moisturize, and if you don’t you should still moisturize it’s great for your skin! That’s all folks.


Work Cited: http://www.popsugar.com/fitness/Cold-Showers-vs-Hot-Showers-Health-Benefits-Both-15021710


5 thoughts on “Will taking hot showers damage your skin?

  1. Douglas Matthew Leeson

    I’m notorious for long, hot showers as well, and I’ve never thought to use moisturizer because I’ve never considered any possible negative results from the showers! I should definitely invest in some products, because I don’t want to give up hot showers. Without the use of moisturizers, it seems like choosing between the pros and cons of hot showers: is having loose, relaxed muscles and healthy sinuses worth dry skin?

  2. Francesca Barone

    This is an interesting topic because I’m like you, I enjoy hot showers. I agree that the steam from the hot water is beneficial when one has a cold because the moisture opens up nasal passages which allows one to be able to breathe during a cold. I normally take really hot showers whenever I’m sick because it overall just makes me feel better. I also can agree that hot water can loosen stiff and tight muscles. However, I can see why hot water can dry up one’s skin and no one wants dry skin but I feel as though dry skin is something that can be moisturized and back to normal. I looked more into this because I’m curious to know more. Good job!

  3. Emily A Glogowski

    I have the same issue with taking long hot showers. I have set the fire alarm off on multiple occasions. I had no idea that it could be doing damage. I do find my skin dry at times, maybe this is the cause. I didn’t know the temperature of the water could have any type of effect.

  4. Teona A Ringgold

    Great post, I also long taking hot showers, but I read somewhere that hot water for long periods of time isn’t the best for your skin. If you are looking to clear your sinuses without causing possible damage to your skin, the steam from hot running water in a bathroom can help, I’ve had a friend test it out before a few vocal performances; and he had positive results.
    Also, if a hot shower is bad for you, do you believe that a Jacuzzi would also be unhealthy?

  5. Yash Masta

    I have a skin condition that can be best described as having dry skin all the time. This is definitely a problem for me because like you, I love long hot showers. So my only choice is to put on tons of lotion after I have gotten out of the shower and have waited long enough to dry off. My lotion is a special kind of lotion that is especially effective against chronic dry skin so when i put it on in the beginning of the day, I dont have to worry about it till the next day.

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