Why does weed make you hungry?

Munchies-Stoner-FoodFor anyone who’s ever tried marijuana in their lifetime, they know the gruesome hunger that  comes soon after. This hunger is often referred to as “munchies”. Why is it, however, that we get so hungry after using this drug? Lets find out.

Marijuana contains an ingredient called tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. This active ingredient is what gives you the side affects such as hunger. Scientists have previously studied answers to the question of just why weed has this affect by testing the drug in mice. They found that after ingesting the THC found in marijuana, “the mice were able to smell and taste more acutely.”


Like many other plants and definitely all other animals on our planet, the marijuana plant uses THC as a self-defense mechanism against herbivores. Animals are likely to feel disoriented after digesting the THC therefore they are more likely to avoid eating that plant in the future. The THC sets into the receptors in the brain’s endocannabinoid system which helps control memory, appetite, emotions, and pain sensitivity. Because our brain already produces chemicals that control these bodily functions, THC tends to enhance them, therefore making you feel as if you’re starving even if you’re not at all hungry.

Many other answers to this question have been found such as THC reaching receptors in other parts of the brain which allows them to release different sensations such as pleasure or hunger.  Although the findings may differ in that case, it all links back to one thing. THC alters the brain’s natural endocannabinoid system and manipulates the same pathways that our brain uses to regulate our senses.

Here is a humorous yet informative video of “why weed makes you hungry”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxRjux2TGZY

There are have been pharmaceutical advances because people have recognized this affect. Here is a link to a website that discusses how “munchies” have inspired new diet drugs. While many may make the argument that weed is “bad” for you for many reasons, I don’t seem to find serious harm in this side affect.

3 thoughts on “Why does weed make you hungry?

  1. gel5088

    I was a bit confused with the study that you chose to discuss about the mice. We the scientists feeing the mice marijuana and then monitoring the effects for each of them? Would this be considered a randomized experiment or observational? There would be two groups (control and experimental) one being fed the marijuana and the other mice just being monitored. But if they were just being watched would it be observational? If it was a randomized experiment then we could rule out confounding variables. But if it was an observation study we could have to consider the confound variables. I would like to look into other studies along the lines of this topic to see exactly why “weed makes you hungry.” It also makes me question if marijuana has the same effects on humans as it does for mice?

  2. Nick Jacoubs

    This is a very interesting concept. If true, it could be utilized as a very helpful pharmaceutical. Turns out that there are already several drugs that utilize the properties in THC to help patients. Dronabinol uses synthetic THC to help treat cancer patients with extreme nausea and vomiting symptoms. Another drug Sativex contains cannabidiol and THC and is used to treat neuropathic pain and spasticity in patients with Multiple Sclerosis.

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  3. jvh5620

    Ive always questioned why weed makes you so hungry. I know there are certain foods and medications that make you hungry or not hungry. So does weed have these ingredients in it? http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/scientific-explanation-how-marijuana-causes-munchies-180949660/?no-ist, according to this website, ” THC appears to increase our sensitivity to scents and flavors by using naturally occurring neural networks to convince the brain that its starving” There have been many studies done about marijuana and why it makes you hungry and what it can do to the body.

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