How important is water?

Many people under estimate the importance of water in our lives. Many people drink water without knowing why we need water. Water is that flavorless, zero calorie beverage that we been drinking since we were born.

Water is the most important fluid in our body. Around 60% of the human body consists of water. Something even as small as a 2% drop in body water, could result idownloadn shrinking of the brain.

There are many benefits of drinking water. The more hydrated you are the better skin you have. Staying hydrated is a great way to deal with wrinkles. In our water supply, we have additional fluoride added to it, which is also a benefit. The fluoride will increase strength and bone density. The more water you drink, the more synovial fluid you have in your body. Synovial fluid consists of water, and the more water you have in your body, the more joint protection you have. Water is also essential for healthy brain function and helps improve cognitive function. Water suppresses appetite and makes the body use more fat for energy. For those tying to gain muscle water is key in their diet. Water helps form the structures of protein and glycogen. “Studies have shown that increasing daily water intake has shown to decrease the risk of colon cancer by 45%, reduce the risk of bladder cancer by 50%, and it may potentially reduce the risk of breast cancer. It is also believed that water may prevent kidney stones and urinary tract infections”. If water has the potential to reduce the chance of getting these horrific diseases the rational person should start drinking lots of water. But don’t drink too much water.

More about the information above could be read at this link:

It is assumed that the human body could handle drinking less than .79 gallons of water in a sitting. But after than, if one consumes more than .79 gallons of water in a sitting, he/she has chances of dying from water intoxication. A woman in California entered a contest to drink the most water for an undisclosed incentive. She drank so much water, that in hours she was found dead. And the cause of death was water intoxication. Well, now you may be wondering, how exactly does one die from consuming too much water? If one drinks water excessively it could cause their cells to expand to such extent that the tissues in the body appear to seem sWater-intake-is-crucial-for-successful-weight-losswollen. That causes an electrolyte imbalance in the body and leads to an abnormal pumping heart, and could allow water to fill the lungs. All the pressure in the body may cause tension among the organs, which could potentially lead to a painful death.

More about the information above could be read at this link under the subheading, Can I die from drinking too much water?

Water is very mysterious. The body can take up to 15 gallons of water per day, and has many benefits, which could help the body function efficiently. Although most our body consists of water, don’t let that trick you in to drinking water religiously. The amount of water you drink should be monitored. Too much water consumption in one sitting could lead to terrifying consequences such as death.

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