Do We Truly Use 10% of Our Brain?

The brain is a phenomenal organ as we still to this day do not fully know what it is capable of. There are a plethora of questions about the brain to be answered and as of now, it seems as though we know enough to understand the majority of it. Yet why is it that in our younger years we were always told that we only use about ten percent of our brain? Not only that but how much of that statement is true?

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Our brain is not going to waste do not worry. The human brain is one organ but in reality that organ is broken up into multiple sections in which are in charge of different tasks whether it be, memory, vision, ect. thus meaning there is no way that we could only use ten percent of our brain. We divide the brain into three parts the forebrain the midbrain and the hindbrain. Within each section there are different lobes which all have different. Our forebrain is where we control most of our higher function tasks. “Midbrain functions include routing, selecting, mapping, and cataloguing information, including information perceived from the environment and information that is remembered and processed throughout the cerebral cortex”( And the hindbrain deals with the central nervous system. These three portions of the brain have different jobs yet come together and make the human body function.

Click here to see a virtual representation of the brains activity as the video shows the different fibers we use to send signals to different parts of the brain.  If it were true that we only use a small portion of our brain things like tumors and trauma to the brain would have a very different outcome. For example if the human body where to only use 10% of the brain this means that the other 90% is able to be lost or injured without causing harm to the human, like a gunshot wound to the head would be not as lethal as it is in reality. Yet this obviously is not the case due to the fact that the entire brain may not be always in use at once but we still use our entire brain. Through different scans (ct., mri., ect.) this myth is quickly proven false as the amount of brain activity shown within the scans proves that we need our entire brain throughout the entire day.

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