Growing up a lot of us believed in ghosts and slowly started to believe less and less. I, however, have never believed more in ghosts than I do now.
The house my family currently lives in is haunted, or so I believe. We are the fourth family to live in it and one man actually died in the house! Not from anything scary though, he had a heart attack. A man also shot and killed himself in the field in our backyard, some 40 feet from the house, because the cops were coming to get him to bring him to jail. I know these incidences offer zero in the terms of explanation but they help in my belief of there being supernatural beings in my basement.
As we discussed in class, “Things are explained only by reference to natural causes and events (Methodological Naturalism). Supernatural explanations are not part of science. Thus we set aside the question of whether God had a hand in it. Science is godless in the way that plumbing is godless.” – Unscientific America Mooney and Kirshenbaum (2009). That does not mean I cannot believe in the supernatural. Live Science says that one reason is because there is no specific definition for ghosts. They also state that “if ghosts exist and can be scientifically detected or recorded, then we should find hard evidence of that – yet we don’t.”
On multiple occasions I have taken pictures and videos of what I believe are of a ghost in my basement. I was under no type of influence and fully awake each time.
(If swearing offends you, you might want to mute the video. Sorry!)
It is very hard to try and convince people that you might have a ghost in your basement so I have done my best to test everything I could think of:
- I have used different cameras so it would not be because of my phones camera having something wrong with it
- I have used lights to try and reflect shadows off of different parts of my basement
- I have gotten pictures or videos on different nights
- I have had multiple people in the room with me
- Also the room in my basement does not have any windows
I do not believe in the use of Ouija Boards and their supernatural powers because upon very little research, shows that the Ouija Board makes use of what is called the ideomotor effect. The ideomotor effect, as defined by, “suggests that actions are represented by their perceivable effects.”
Now I know that there are many other things that could be causing the orbs or shadows in my basement but through everything that I have done to try and show that they are not there, I still believe. I know my views on this are very biased but nothing in my basement could ever prove that ghosts or supernatural powers are in my basement but I would willingly open my basement to someone, someone obviously qualified and with a background check, and have them give me answers as to why these things keep showing up in my basement.
(Please ignore my younger sister and her friends)
(All the pictures and videos were provided by either myself or my sister and were all taken on different occasions.)
For those of you interested – here is a link to buildings at Penn State that are said to be haunted.
Class lecture – 9/2/2014