Steroids and Men

body-effects-of-steroids-300x2982.5% of high school students in the US will have taken steroids before graduating high school. The main use for steroids is to reduce inflammation.Steroid is used in: inhalers in order to reduce deaths from asthma, injections in order to treat painful joints and ligaments, and creams in order to treat eczema and other inflammatory skin conditions.

When used in healthcare and medicine, make people hungry and causes blood sugar to rise. People on steroids can gain weight and often develop a round, swollen face as well as getting diabetes. Also, People on high doses of steroids can die from chest infections and different kinds of cancers, because they develop immune-deficiency therefore many organisms that rarely caused problems can overgrow, upsetting the normal balance of mircobes in the body.

Steroids also affect the brain tremendously, and high doses can make people feel happy, euphoric, and hyped-up amongst other things. People also experience lack of sleep and become very aggressive. 

However, most people take steroids to increase muscle growth, but muscles don’t grow unless there is consistent exercise. There are two types of steroids: anabolic and androgenic. Anabolic steroid affect metabolism, immunity and muscle, while androgenic steroids have strong effects on women (making them more masculine) and effects on men (making them more feminine). Anabolic steroids cause men to find that their testes shrink, sperm count falls with a joint side effect of increase of infertility, hair falls out, breasts start to develop, and prostate cancer becomes more likely.

In a study conducted by Pope and his co-authors, from the Biological Psychiatry Laboratory at McLean, evaluated 134 male weight-lifters, including 72 who had never used steroids, 42 who had used steroids but had not developed dependence, and 20 with steroid dependence. Of the total who had used steroids, 30 percent had developed dependence.

Pope noted that anabolic steroids do cause actual biological dependence, pointing out that animal studies have shown that hamsters will continue to self-administer testosterone even to the point of death. Human users also exhibit classic criteria for addiction, even though the drugs do not produce a “high” as is the case with opiates, alcohol, or other addictive substances, he said.

“Anabolic steroids clearly do cause an actual biological dependence syndrome, and men who develop dependence on them often have considerable difficulty getting off the drugs, just like people with other forms of drug dependence,” Pope said.

Finally, after what Pope found and the risks mentioned before, would you still go out of your way to use steroids? Is it really necessary in order to get “big”?


5 thoughts on “Steroids and Men

  1. Jordan David Unsworth

    I know some people that used steroids and it made me not want to hangout with them anymore. A lot of people trying to achieve the perfect physique will go to great lengths to achieve it. In the world of bodybuilding it is almost encouraged to use it. A lot of people though use it without it being prescribed and many problems come from this. Unless they are prescribed and you know the limits do not use steroids. Your body can be at its safest when you do it the natural way. I agree though steroids have ruined sports and many athletes lost fans because of it and it is a shame. Other players though still give us all something to watch during football or baseball or whatever sport your into and those are the players that people need to be fans of because they chose not to use the easy way out.

  2. Alexi Zacarias

    So many people today use steroids for muscle growth and look disgustingly muscular. This article is so informative and I hate how people use steroids like its nothing. They forget how harmful it is to continuously use steroids with out knowing the short and long term effects that it can create for your body.

  3. Adam Greene

    To answer your question, no. I would never even think about taking steroids unless it was prescribed to me for medical reasons. I think at this day and age, people know the negative affects of steroids, but they take them to make themselves better. The most common place to find the use of steroids is in sports. These athletes use them to perform better because the better you perform, the more money you get, and the more famous you get. Some athletes worry too much about the fame, rather than their health. The beauty of professional sports is that all of these athletes are (or should be) naturally talented and gifted. Steroids ruin sports, players, sports, and life. Do not use them unless you are medically prescribed.

    For more intriguing information between steroids and sports, check out this link:

  4. jvh5620

    I think that anything used too much is not good for the human body. When I am in the gym, most of the time it is obvious who is on steroids and not. Throughout my life, I have only heard about steroids being used in major league baseball and not as much by no professional athletes. I completely agree with you when you said that most people use steroids for muscle growth but muscles do not grow unless there is consistent exercise. Same thing how you can take pills for weight loss but you really can’t lose weight unless you exercise along with the pills. A part of me disagrees or believe that this is true for anything when you said that weight gain, and swollen face and diabetes. This can happen with anything thats not good for the body, to anyone whose just not on steroids.

  5. Alex Seth Blankman

    I grew up in New York as a die hard Yankee fan and watched an era of baseball where many players had careers ended because of steroids. On top of the shrinking of testes, infertility increase, development of breasts and baldness, I would not do steroids because I have seen players get sick during the years in which they took steroids. Jason Giambi was looking like a very good player and staple in the Yankees offense until he inexplicably got sick for a full season and could not play. Other than the many direct effects that steroids can have on the body of a person. You can get ill and therefore not be able to participate in your job. I would never take steroids, anabolic or otherwise, people should make themselves stronger based off of working out and hard work, not injection of risky medicine.

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