One habit that is set at a young is brushing teeth. It is something that is second nature for me and that I know to do every morning and every night, but not everyone keeps up with this habit. Maintaining a high level of oral health is not only good for your teeth, but it can help prevent things such as HPV which can lead to throat cancer.
A study was done that showed that people with poor dental history or gum disease is an independent risk factor for oral HPV. The study drew 3,400 subjects who varied in gender and were between the ages of 30 and 69. Subjects who reported poor oral health had a 56% higher rate of HPV than those who did not. The subjects who reported having gum disease had a 51% higher rate of HPV than those who did not.
The results come as no surprise to me. I would assume that poor oral habits would increase the risk of infection because of the amount of bacteria in a person’s mouth. I think that this is an issue that needs to be fixed starting with teaching young children the importance of good oral hygiene. Teaching children the importance of washing their mouth and brushing their teeth will help them get into good habits at an early age.
This post was very surprising to me because I had never thought that brushing your teeth could have a link to cancer. I only ever assumed that not brushing, led to tooth decay and cavities. The study that you included was very strong and shows that it clearly does have a link to cancer. Although I do still question this idea, it seems like it is true.
Great post! The experiment involved many participants and the results show that the subjects who reported poor oral health had a 56% higher rate of HPV than those who did not, but maybe a third variable was involved and that it wasn’t only due to brushing their teeth. Their history health record could be one.
This post was very surprising to me. I was aware that there were obvious consequences of practicing poor oral hygeine, but I had no idea that not brushing your teeth could lead to throat cancer. To be honest I am not that big of a believer of this idea, but what do I know. There are definitely third variables that could be in play, but if this is true people need to be more aware of this. I don’t think the general public is aware that not brushing your teeth could cause cancer, so if this is true it needs to be publicized. I also agreed with JVS6117 that it seems like more and more things are becoming cancer causing. I am still skeptical to this idea because those who live in third world countries who don’t have good hygiene do not frequently experience throat cancer due to not brushing their teeth but that could make for an interesting experiment.
Oral hygiene is definitely one that is often times over looked. As Nygel said I was aware of the fact that not brushing your teeth could increase your risk of heart disease. But looking at this, it makes sense. If your gums aren’t cleaned then they can wear down which could cause a cut or an opening thusly increasing the chance of infection by a lot. Whether not brushing your teeth could actually cause cancer or not, just having loads of bacteria and plaque build up in your mouth isn’t good and should be avoided at all costs.
Great post. People need to realize how important their oral hygiene is to their health. I knew that poor oral hygiene could lead to heart disease and other health problems (due to swallowing the plaque and bacteria that you should have brushed off) but I was not aware it could lead to cancer as well.
Everyday it is something else that increases your chance of getting cancer. I am staring to think that cancer comes from everything. That can be right unless it was a natural cause of death which it is not considered. So I believe some of these theories are wrong and this is one of them. If this was the case all homeless people would have cancer and for that sole reason I do not believe this is true.