Our body language affects the way others see and perceive us. Based on someone’s body language, others can learn numerous things about them. Someone who is slumped over gives off a weak, or depressed feel. On the other hand, somebody who stands firm and tall gives off the impression of dominance or importance. Furthermore, a recent study demonstrates how even the sound of our voice affects others perception of us on many different levels. But, enough about how our body language alters other’s perception of us, let’s focus on how our own body language affects us.
Social psychologist and Harvard Professor, Amy Cuddy, speaks about how nonverbal behavior affects people from the classroom to the boardroom. This TED talk focuses on a thing dubbed “power posing”, which can have a monumental effect on one’s confidence. How it works is that if you stand in a posture of confidence, even if you are not actually confident, it tricks the brain into thinking that you are actually confident. “Power posing” works because it affects cortisone and testosterone levels in the brain, which in turn gives us a confidence boost. Amy Cuddy herself is a prime case study that demonstrates that this actually works. As an undergrad, she got into a car accident that damaged her brain. Doctors said that she would never regain her full mental capacity and she would have a tough time graduating school. But, she was determined to prove them wrong; nothing was going to stop her. So she adapted her new “fake it until you make it” lifestyle. What this is that she utilized “power posing” to help her brain think that it was at it’s 100% capacity and that she could achieve her goals. It is evident that it worked as she is incredibly successful and is a professor at the Harvard Business School.
I firmly believe that this is very relevant and helpful information that everyone should know, especially college students. When you feel nervous or scared about an upcoming presentation,
you can utilize “power posing” to give yourself the confidence and the poise
you need to deliver and get an A. Personally, I find it astonishing that we can do this and trick our brains into helping us out when we need it. Now, I want to know if there is anything else like this that can be done.
I definitely agree with this. Not only body language, but I’ve noticed that the way a person talks also tends to shape their character. I met someone who talks unbearably slow so I automatically assumed that he was lazy and unmotivated, but that isn’t always the case is it?
I like this post. People often don’t realize that we have the ability to trick our own brains. In addition to power posing Psychologists have also found many other ways to trick our own brain into making ourselves feel a certain way such as smiling when you’re not happy can trick your brain into making you feel happy. I found this page with a list of different ways to trick your brain into feeling certain ways. I found it very interesting and think you should check it out.
I really enjoy this blog post. Although I do not like to judge, the way someone is standing says a lot about them at a first glance. Body language is an incredibly important tool that can be used to command respect or even show you are upset. The way we hold ourselves says many things about who we are before we even open our mouth. My cheerleading coach always used to tell my team, walk onto the mat like you own the floor and command the audiences respect. This is a great article about body language : http://www.cnn.com/2011/LIVING/01/06/rs.body.language/
I really like this blog post and I agree that we as college students could really learn from this. It’s amazing to think that we can actually trick our brain into thinking something as powerful as being confident. Your delivery of this information was great and makes me want to do more research about this topic.
Body language is used by everyone. It’s used to show some type of feeling or emotion whether it be physical of mental. Some people use it to their advantage and some people use it accidentally and it may affect how people see them in a negative or positive way. Confidence or lack thereof can be seen easily through body language. It helps show you a persons personality.
Body language can often decide someone’s first impression of you because it’s what people first see. Harvard conducted a study on ‘power posing’ and found that those who power posed were overall better in all areas of performance. The power posers were better in speaking and overall presence making them more likely to get the job or ace the presentation.
I also believe that someones body language can say more than someones mouth can. If someone is slouched and looks tired they will appear weak and lazy. Overall not someone who should be in charge and respected. But at the same time when someone walks in with confidence and is well dressed they command respect. I know a lot of people who can not speak in public due to fears and lack of confidence. I think that it is important that school age children learn to be in front of the room talking or leading a lesson.