What really sank the Titanic?

We all know the story of the titanic. Wether our parents told us the story or we saw the movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio. The sinking of the titanic is common knowledge. But movies and the passage of time have skewed the actual facts and have given way to urban legend. In the movie the titanic hit an iceberg that practically split it in half and resulted in loss of numerous lives.

Titanic enters icefields.jpg

But let’s be honest here. The titanic is not a big ship by todays standards but back then it was enormous. It weighed 46,000 tons!That’s a huge piece of metal just floating in the ocean. And yes one could argue well an iceberg is a huge piece of ice just floating in the ocean. But metal is so strong, what could have weakened the metal so much that it was left to the mercy of the iceberg in the first place?

Well that would be the engine room fire. Not much is known about this incidence but it’s existence is recorded. The Coal Bunker Fires happenings are probably one of  the least lucky occurrences in recent history. The fact that this coal bunker caught fire and elevated to such a high temperature that it actually weakened the metal of the hull of the ship is astounding. It took a little while to figure out that this event actually occurred but researches of the Titanic and it’s maiden and only voyage were able to retrace telltale signs off the walls of the Coal Bunker.

To add to the ill fated luck of the fire it is theorized that the iceberg that hit the titanic hit in the exact spot in the hull that the fire had previously weakened. Despite countless warnings the Titanic still hit the ice berg.

Would it have sank without the fire? It might have but it would have been a much slower process since the iceberg would not have been able to rip cleanly through the hull of the ship. This would have provided the passengers with ample time to react to the situation and send out an SOS signal.

So next time someone is talking about how the titanic sunk and how it is all because of the iceberg. Interrupt and tell them exactly how the titanic sunk.


One thought on “What really sank the Titanic?

  1. Kaitlyn Middleton

    I really enjoyed reading your post, I myself have seen the movie dozens of times and never actually really knew what caused the Titanic to sink. I always thought that perhaps it was just the icebergs fault, nice to see that there is more to the story then is always being portrayed.

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