Being artsy means you’re different?

Growing up, I was the “artsy” kid everywhere I went. “She’s just different.” my mom would always explain if I did something that appeared a bit odd to others who didn’t quite understand me. I didn’t think I was very different, I just knew I liked music, and theater, and poetry, so what? Well, there are studies that suggest artists, such as myself, really do have different brains.

A study entitled “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain: A Voxel-Based Morphometry Analysis of Observational Drawing” used 44 graduate, and post-graduate art students, and non-art students and had them to complete various drawing tasks. Once completed, they were measured and scored and the results were compared to “regional grey and white matter volume in the cortical and sub-cortical structures” in the brain.

They observed that there was a density increase in grey matter on the left anterior cerebellum and the right medial frontal gyrus were observed in relation to drawing skills. The scans displayed that the artists had more grey matter in the pecuneous, which is an area that is involved with skill, but mainly linked to controlling the mind’s eye for creativity.

While this study is very interesting, it isn’t large enough to tell us if the brain structure plays a definitive role in artistic enough.


2 thoughts on “Being artsy means you’re different?

  1. Teona A Ringgold Post author

    Thanks! The article was interesting, the part about the arts increasing test scores stood out to me the most. I went to a performing arts school, and we were in the top rankings when it came to various testing.

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