Initial Blog Post

Hey everyone!

I’m Natalia Mujica and I am majoring in Public Relations. I am taking this course because science is not my thing at all. I don’t think my brain functions to understand chemistry, biology, or any science for that matter. By taking this class, I hope to understand science in a broader aspect.

I am not planning to be a science major because I would not be able to keep up with any of my classes, and I would be totally lost. I think PR and Communications is more for me. I do enjoy learning about science, but not in the way where I have to completely understand all aspects of it.


2 thoughts on “Initial Blog Post

  1. Cheyenne Rae Hess

    Natalia, I completely agree. Science is not my thing either! I remember Bill Nye from elementary school; he always made science seem more simple Link text

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