Will USA Consider New Fact That was Found in Recent research?

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I know the legalization of Marijuana is a very common topic to discuss in today’s society. People constantly argue whether it is safe or not or if legalization is a good idea in the United States. I came across a study that was funded by the Australian Government that was really interesting. The study showed really horrifying facts about teens that use marijuana. Here are the facts that caught my attention in the study- “…teens who smoke marijuana daily are more than 60% less likely to finish high school”, “The users are also seven times more likely to attempt suicide and eight times more likely to use other illegal drugs. They may also be more affected by depression and have welfare dependency.” (CBS Philly). This study was so interesting to me because of the way the study was conducted. Researchers followed activity of 3,700 teenagers until they were 30 years old. To me this makes the results seem to be very valid because of a few reasons. First of all, it was smart that they sampled such a large group of teenagers. This makes the results more valid because it is not necessarily a small biased group, rather a larger demographic and sample size is covered. Secondly I thought it was interesting that they measured the results over a long time span. I am surprised that findings and statistics such as these were not known beforehand. This type of observational experiment however could have results that are affected by other things. For example, the lifestyles of the people who are being observed can affect the results of how depressed they are. However, if the science of this and the experiment is in fact accurate, is USA making a really bad decision? Although legalizing marijuana would eliminate black markets, would it instead create a less educated, more depressed, and drug addicted generation? It is hard to say, but I think that the United States Government should take the time to fund their own scientific research for the good of its own citizens before large negative effects come into place.

2 thoughts on “Will USA Consider New Fact That was Found in Recent research?

  1. axt5166 Post author

    Although there might be a third confounding variable I also think that this information is valuable and should be taken seriously. Also extended research could teach us more. But there is a reason that Marijuana is illegal in so many places so there has to be science behind those facts.

  2. Katherine Jane Ballantyne

    I think that a reason for the correlation between marijuana use and the other issues you mentioned could relate to a person’s likeliness to get into drugs. For example, a person who is depressed or doing poorly in school may be more likely to hang with the wrong crowd and get into drug usage. However, not all marijuana users are into these bad paths; some won’t be affected by it at all; some just like to get high for fun off of their parents’ money or their hard earned money and will continue down the path for success.

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