Is there such a thing called Post Football Depression Syndrome?

Now that football season has returned, fans no longer have to experience football withdrawal symptoms. When the Superbowl comes to a close, fans realize that they will be deprived of watching games for the next several months. Post Football Depression Syndrome is something that many fans experience according to Dr. Angelos Halaris, a doctor at Loyola University Medical Center.


During these long months that seem to drag on forever, fans are in a state of emptiness, despair, and panic. Dr. Angelos Halaris says that because football fans are watching something that is a “pleasurable activity”, dopamine is released throughout the brain. When the football season ends, the person feels deprived. Halaris related this to how a smoker feels when they are deprived of smoking a cigarette.

As silly as Post Football Depression Syndrome may sound, Dr. Angelos Halaris ensures that many fans experience this sort of depression. To help these fans experiencing this depression, he offers some helpful tips on how to avoid Post Football Depression Syndrome. First he suggests that fans should not go “cold turkey” with football. Fans should watch clips online or past games! Next, he says that you should not keep your depressed feelings to yourself. Make sure you talk to family members or friends about how saddened you are about the conclusion of the football season. Halaris also suggests that fans should not use drugs or alcohol to treat this depression. Experiencing this Post Football Depression Syndrome is not serious enough to go to those extremes. Finally, he says that fans should be strong and do not overreact. Yes the end of a football season is sad, however all fans will have to wait a couple more months until September arrives.

Because football season has now arrived, the thought of the end of a football season is far out of the minds of all fans. All football fans should know that millions of people are experiencing the same emotions. Even though we experience months without football, this only makes the football kickoff in September that much more exciting.

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