Does an Apple a day really keep the doctor away?

With fall just beginning, the “plague” has already begun to make it’s way around. Once the plague strikes your building, it comes after everyone in it’s way. It makes it’s way through every floor, infecting people like crazy. Sure there are many things you can do to avoid being the next victim. It is important to always wash your hands, take vitamins and get enough rest. But is it possible that eating an apple a day will save you from illness?

It is commonly known that apples are filled with good fibers, can help maintain a healthy weight and are always a better alternative to junk foods. But is an apple the secret to a longer, healthier life? As stated in this web source, apples are composed of many different nutrients such as Pectin, Boron, Quercetin, Vitamin C and Phytonutrients. All of these nutrients have beneficial factors such as building strong bones and healthy brain, lowering blood pressure, lower cancer risk, eliminating free radicals and boosting immunity. Who wouldn’t want to eat an apple a day!? But is this just an enough to prevent sickness alone? Nutritionists recommend eating a variety of fruits, all which are loaded with nutrients and work to keep us healthy. The best way to keep the doctor away is to vary your diet- keep your options open!

Eating an apple a day didn’t hurt anyone though!



3 thoughts on “Does an Apple a day really keep the doctor away?

  1. Katherine Sharon Trimble

    I really enjoyed this blog post. My mom always told me that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, and it was always something that I wondered was true or false. I definitely agree with you that an apple is not only thing that can keep the doctor away. We need to have a balanced, healthy diet. This made me think that we need a variety of foods to stay healthy and not just an apple.

  2. Brittney Ann Strazza

    i think the saying can be taken in a less literal sense. Obviously apples have many things that are very good for a person health wise but i don’t think that if you actually eat an apple everyday it will keep you out the doctors office. Obviously eating an apple isn’t going to harm yourself but I feel like it can’t completely prevent any sickness or disease that may be coming somebody’s way.

  3. Kathryn Lauren Filling

    I agree that a good diet is going to keep you healthy in terms of fitness and shape, but does it really prevent against sickness? I guess it does. This article lists seven meals that help prevent sickness and they are very surprising! I would have never thought the things you eat determine whether you get sick I always thought it was just picking up germs and bacteria so this is good to know!

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