Being a twin, I’ve always been a firm believer in twin telepathy. To be clear on the definition, telepathy is communication through nothing but thoughts, and no actual spoken words.Many people may find this kind of mind-reading power as a hoax, which is fine. But I have experienced it many times first hand. My twin sister and I have been inseparable since birth, which has allowed us to create a special, and abnormally deep connection with each other. For this reason, I believe that we have the ability to almost read each other’s minds.

Without any form of gesture or sign, I can tell with almost complete accuracy, what my twin is feeling or thinking. Without spoken words, I know exactly how to read her. Why is this though? Is it only because I spend so much time with her? Or is it a result of an actual mutation that all twins possess?

According to the Institute of Noetic Sciences, there are signs that twin telepathy is actually a viable action. Being a twin himself, Professor Newman held a study in which he interviewed 14 pairs of twins as well as 7 single members of a twin pair. 1/3 of the participants admitted to feeling a sense of telepathy between them and their paired twin. Some even claim to having the ability of seeing the location that their twin is, even without it being described. twins

Another type of telepathy that has proven realistic between twins is crisis telepathy. An eerie example of such can be described by Martha Burke. One day, while her twin was on a plane ride, Martha felt a searing pain cutting through her abdomen. At that moment, her twin’s plane was coincidentally crashing, thus killing her twin. Martha’s pain occurred with no hint or knowledge of her twin’s death.

Researchers consider genetics, environmental factors and the interaction between the two, in trying to pin point an exact cause to twin telepathy. Through experimentation, scientists have discovered that we can contribute a great deal of these findings to genetics.

Sadly, in science, Andrew has taught us that nothing is 100%. Chance is always a variable in any “concrete” finding.

Maybe me and my twin were born with genes that allow us to read each other’s minds, maybe our natural surroundings conditioned us to have the ability, and maybe it’s simply chance. It’s clear that the world may never know the true cause of twin telepathy, but what I know is that it exists, and in my life it is extremely prevalent.

2 thoughts on “Does twin telepathy exist?

  1. Emily Peacock

    This is an interesting article and I think you touched upon an interesting point. Although I myself am not a twin, I believe with the more time you spend with a person and the more the dependent you become with each other, a special type of bond forms. One where you can imagine what the other person is thinking or feeling even without any verbal communication.

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