Author Archives: Jonathan Roger Marcus

The Importance of Eating Breakfast

Lets be honest here we wake up in the morning in a rush, usually late. We hop out of bed, jump into the shower, throw on clothes and run to class. More times than not breakfast is not in the daily routine of kids in College around 30% of college age students don’t eat breakfast every day. That may not seem like a high number but at a school like Penn State that means around 12,000 kids don’t eat breakfast every single day. There are a lot of negative externalities that come from not eating breakfast.

imgres-1Studies show that kids who eat breakfast perform better in school. In “Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine” they released a study that showed that kids who ate breakfast every day had overall a higher math score on their tests. The sample size of this experiment was big enough where a confounding variable would not change the outcome of the study. Also this study is accurate because nothing is being changed in the kids diets. People are merely seeing how kids who eat breakfast do in school compared to kids who do not eat breakfast. Another bad outcome of not eating breakfast is trouble paying attention in class. Also kids who eat breakfast have an easier time paying attention in class. To go further into it kids who ate a breakfast low in sugar paid attention better and got less frustrated while trying to complete school assignments.

imagesAlso breakfast is important because when you wake up your body needs fuel. But instead of going to a gas station all you need to do is make a bowl of Cheerios or a plate of eggs. Studies show that the first 15-20 carbohydrates consumed a day go directly to the brain to get the body functioning.

Not eating breakfast can also lead to obesity. 22% of kids who don’t eat breakfast are obese. This doesn’t seem right because you would assume that if someone skips a meal they should be losing weight because of the lack of a meal. But when people skip breakfast they end up filling up on other unhealthier food throughout the day to try and fill in for the skipped meal. I think that this statistic is a great way to prove the point of the importance of breakfast. The statistic was taken from a large sample size and since there was no experiment needed no confounding variables affected the outcome.   images

Overall, breakfast is crucial to success in school and in life. Without breakfast people spend the start of their days moping around unable to concentrate or be productive. Although eating breakfast makes kids perform better in school there is not a direct causation between the two. Just because someone eats breakfast does not mean that they will do amazing in school. But eating breakfast does give kids the tools to do well because they are more attentive. It is called the most important meal of the day for a reason and we need to make people remember that.

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ADD: what is it and what do the pills do?

A lot of my friends take medicine to help them concentrate because of their ADD (Attention deficit disorder) or ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). They either take adderall orimgres-1 vyvanse. I have asked them what the medicene does to them and every time I get the same response. “It makes me focus” or “I don’t it just makes me do well in school”. And now that I am at Penn State it seems like every other person has “ADD” and takes these pills. So that got me thinking about ADD and what the disease consists of.

After doing research about ADD I found out that ADD is caused by a chemical imbalimgres-1ance in someones brain. There is an imbalance in the neurotransmitters which control how people behave. A study by The National Institute of Mental Health showed that the brain uses glucose at a slower rate in people who have ADD and ADHD. This is a problem because glucose is the main fuel for the brain. So if the brain is not getting its fuel it can lead to issues in school and other formal situations. Since the disease is neurological scientist know that it is not caused by a boring teacher or bad parenting. Since the disease affects the brain how does a pill suddenly turn a hyper kid into a scholar?

Most ADD medicine is a stimulant. It seems weird to treat a hyperactivity disorder with a stimulant but studies done by the NIMH have shown that the stimulants actually have a calming affect on kids who have ADD and ADHD. Although ADD is a real disease I think that when a parent sends their child in to get tested variations of the sharp shooter issue arise. This happens because in todays society as soon as something is wrong with a child their parents assume they are sick and in need of help.

An MTA experiment tested around 300 children around the country who were diagnosed with ADHD. The children were split into 4 different groups and each group got a different treatment for their ADHD. The first group was given pills to see if they would change the child’s behavior. The first month the scientists used a double blind placebo to see how the child acted. Once this was over the kids got different variations of medicine treat their ADHD. The second group got behavioral training to treat the ADHD. It consisted of a combination of group sessions and individual meetings to teach the child and their families was to treat the ADHD. The third group got a combination of medicine and behavioral training. And the final group got community care. In this case the child’s parents looked for resources available in their community to help with the ADHD. This experiment worked well because the sample size was large enough to not be offset by a confounding variable. Also the children were taken from all across the country so they are subjected to different family lifestyles and environments. The double blind placebo also strengthened the study because it showed how a child acted when they thought they were taking medicine. This study showed that each treatment was helpful in combating the ADHD. The study also showed that each child responded differently to the treatments which is a reason why there are so many different ways to treat ADD.

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Does being athletic run in the family?

The Manning’s, the Gasol’s, the Griffey’s, and the Matthews. All of these names sound familiar because of their success in pro sports. Those are a few of the many families that had more imagesthan one person make it big in pro sports. Was this the work of luck, or is the DNA that is shared between the family what makes them athletically inclined. I believe that athleticism has a lot to do with the genes in your family.

The average small forward in the NBA is 6’7” and the average NFL quarterback in 6’3”. These are well above the average height for men in the United States which is 5’7”. Since the athletes are so much bigger than the average American it is hard to believe that they could be as athletic as they are if they were given different genes. For example my Uncle is 6’4” and my aunt is 5’10”. Their heights are well above average and this lead to my cousins being very tall. I have a girl cousin who is 19 she is 5’11”, and her younger brother who is 6’4” just turned 14. I do not think that it is an coincidence that 170271fccb10cce2defcca6bb45a385f_crop_norththey are both so tall when you look at the height of their parents.

There is also another case where a pair of parents had their daughter tested. The parents got a sample of their 13 month old imgresdaughters DNA by swabbing her mouth, and sent it into a lab. The lab looks for the ACTN3 strand of DNA (which is harder than it sounds because there is over 20,000 types of DNA strands). The ACTN3 strand of DNA can predict how athletic a child will be when they are fully developed. The results came back that the baby was a mix of strands that could give her a knack for sports that involve strength and endurance. Her parents were not surprised, Hillary, Ava’s mother is tall and lean, and Ava’s father once trained to be on the USA Olympic weightlifting team. This is just one example of how the right gene pool can lead to a higher athletic ceiling in a child.

Although the DNA does play a big role in how athletic a child can be it does not mean that the child is bound for greatness if they come from an athletic family. If a boy comes from a very athletic family but spends his day eating junk food and playing xbox he will not reach their full potential. But at the same time if a boy has a moderately athletic family and spends his free time at the gym and training for his sport of choice he can become a superstar. The genes a child get does not determine his or her future, but it imagesdoes play a big role in how the can compete.

I think that there is luck involved in becoming a pro athlete, but a persons genes and DNA plays a greater role than luck. I think this is true because any person can get lucky, anyone can have good timing and be in the right place at the right time. But DNA is 100% about your parents and other family members. There is no way to change it or get around the DNA that you were born with.

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Graph Shows Average Heights and Weights of Pro Athletes by Sport and Position

Is “NO OFF DAYS!” good for you?


The term “No off Days” has become very popular in todays society. The idea that never taking a rest or time to recover will make you stronger. This idea is popular among todays youth because everyone wants to prove that they can work the hardest to gain muscle. But can taking no off days actually make you weaker?

Lets look at the bicep and what happens to the muscle during the work out process.  When someone does a bicep curl their muscle contracts when they weight is pulled up toward their body and as the wight goes back towards the weightlifters side the muscle loosens. Although we are only looking at the bicep curl the same process of muscle contraction and loosening happens on way or another in every workout.

Despite popular belief muscles do not get bigger while you are at the gym. The actual act of weightlifting just breaks down the muscles that are being targeted. The new muscle is added long after the workout is done. Once the body sees that their is a broken down muscle it rebuilds the broken down area. Amino acids, which act as the building block for protein in the cells, start the process of protein synthesis in the broken down areas. They work to rebuild the muscles and if muscle protein synthesis occurs at a higher rater than muscle protein breakdown the muscles become bigger.

Because the muscles grow when they are rested proves the point that an alternating schedule and off days are necessary for building muscle. Alternating what muscles you work out is a very easy way to deal with the issue of overworking a muscle. Alternating muscles makes sure that their is enough time between each isolated workout so the muscles can regrow. Also an off day every week or every other week is beneficial because it gives the body time to recuperate.

Due to the fact that new muscle is added when the body is a rest proves that “NO OFF DAYS” is not only a false argument, but something that could be extremely dangerous for people who follow it. If the body is not given time to synthesize new muscle protein no affects will ever be seen no matter how hard someone works out.

Works Cited:

Muscle Growth


Working out: Is it about time, or productivity?

I go to the gym almost every day and the amount of time that I spend there varies from 45 minutes to over 2 hours depending on what I’m working out. This got me thinking, doeimgres-1s being at the gym for a long time mean that I am being more productive and getting stronger?

I have seen people who spend hours a day at the gym that are always tired and sore. I always thought that their hours spent hitting the gym lead to them being sore, but after looking into I found out that they may have been at the gym for too long. Dr. Mecola put out an article talking about the effects of overworking at the gym. He said that people who are often sore for days at a time, people who have “heavy legs”, people who get sick easily, and people who the blues can all trace their issues back to overworking at the gym.

imgresDr. Mecola also said that when doing high intensity workouts more is less. He said that when you are doing a workout that involves little time to rest in between sets being at the gym for to long can hinder instead of help your health. He also claims that rest is crucial when high intensity exercises are being done day in and day out.

After looking into Dr. Mecola’s research I have realized that it is not about how long you are at the gym, but rather what you get done in that time. Dr. Mecola said “it’s all about balance”. While working out you need to find the right balance between how intense the workout is and how long you will spend at the gym. For example if you are at the gym lifting with a group of 5 people who are talking in between sets and working out in a casual environment being at the gym for over 2 hours is very plausible. However if you are alone or with another person and the workout is intense with very few breaks being at the gym for hours on end can be dangerous to your health.

I think that studies about the ideal amount of time to spend at the gym are not published because of the file drawer problem. If  more studies got published saying that less is more at the gym that people would stop going. In regard to Dr. Mecola’s article I don’t think he had a big enough sample size to totally prove his point. Confounding variables could affect his study because we do not know the general health of the people he studied. Even though his study is not perfect it still provides enough reliable evidence to prove his point.

And make sure you know what your doing at the gym so you don’t end up like this:


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Is eating before bed bad for you?

In todays health crazy world people are always making accusations about what is good and bad for your personal health. One of the topics that is highly deimgresbated is whether eating before bed is bad for you. The argument is that eating before going to sleep doesn’t give the body enough time to burn the calories. This leads to the body storing all of the calories and fat that was consumed. Although some people say that this is not true the evidence shows that eating before bed has a direct correlation to weight gain.

Normally when a person eats the first 1,000 calories of the day that are consumed is used to keep the body running. Those calories are sent around to body to make sure the organs are functioning properly. During the day once someone eats after they have consumed around 1,000 calories they food is sent to be stored, but the daily activities and excise lets the person burn that food off.

Also at night almost every single person has eaten enough to keep their body running. And once the food is consumed it takes the digestive system anywhere from 2-3 hours to start breaking down the food that was consumed. So when they walk to Canyon Pizza or McDonalds by the time they wake up in the morning the food has been digested and put into storage in the body.images

Once the food is stored it is much harder to burn the calories and fat because it has been stored in the body. A McDonalds BigMac has 550 calories and on their website it says that it would take 153 minutes of walking to burn this off. That is the same as jogging for 63 minutes. But these numbers are for food that was just digested it would take longer to burn off the calories from the stored food.

A study was done at Northwestern to prove if eating before bed is actually worse than eating at any other time of the day. During the experiment one group of mice were fed before they went to bed, while another group of mice did not get fed. Aside from the pre-bed food the mice were on the same diets and amounts of exercise. The study shows that the mice who ate before they went to bed gained twice the weight as the mice who didn’t eat before they went to bed. This experiment proves that eating before bad does cause more weight game. The sample size was big enough to validate the point being proved, but because the experiment was done on mice it loses some of its credibility. Besides the fact that the experiment was on mice it proves the point that eating before bed will lead to weight gain.

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What makes products smell nice?

All of us have a favorite scent, whether it is a candle, body wash, or air freshener we all have a scent that makes us smile. I’m not going to talk about why we enjoy the scents, but how the scents are made.

Scents are a blend of chemical compounds that attach to smell receptors in our noses. Oncimgres-1e the scent is in our nose the olfactory bulb is triggered. The olfactory bulb then tells our brain what we are smelling. Whether it is lemon, pumpkin, or sweat the bulb sends out the signal to the body. Once a signal is sent out the body remembers the smell. That is why every time we smell bacon cooking we can smell it from rooms away.The bulb can also send out a bad signal, that is why we don’t like the smell of sweat, body odor, or feces.Works Cited:

What makes our food spicy and how to deal with the ensuing pain

I love spicy food, buffalo wings, hot sauce with my eggs, I can put hot sauce on any meal and still enjoy it. But what makes the food spicy? Why does a ghost pepper burn my mouth but a banana doesn’t?

Its all chemistry and biology really. Capsaicin is an organic compound that is made in the plant cells. Capsaicin is the reason why some food are spicy and others are not. The capsaicin molecules attach to the VR1 receptors in a persons tongue.   The molimagesecules bind with the VR1 receptors and a burning sensation follows. The brain signals the burning sensation, the sensation is similar to what happens when a part of the body get to close to a fire. So now that we know what makes our mouths burn lets figure out how to get rid of the pain.

When your mouth is on fire what should you go to first… Old reliable water might due. WRONG, the issue is that water and Capsaicin don’t mix. So chugging a glass of ice water will only spread the burn around your mouth. Making the burn worse. So water is out… whats the next thing you should grab in the kitchen? Milk or dairy products. imgres

The reason why milk and dairy products help is because capsaicin is soluble with the fats found in milk and other dairy products. Once the dairy is in the system the capsaicin can’t stick to the VR1 receptors and the fire in your mouth will go away.


So now that you know how to deal with the heat spicy food delivers remember to go straight for milk, yogurt, ice cream or any other food that is made up of dairy.

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How much sleep do we really need?

As a college student we have a lot on our plates, between classes, doing laundry, making new friends, and trying to maintain a social life. With so much to do and only 24 hours in the day a lot of times we find ourselves cutting back on sleep. To try and get everything done students imagesfind themselves going to bed after 2 o clock in the morning. We wake up in the morning drowsy and unable to pay attention due to the lack of sleep. This cycle had me think how many hours of sleep do we really need to be healthy and be able to pay attention.

The National institute of health says that the average adult sleeps less than seven hours of sleep per day. Although this may seem like enough sleep to get by, the National Institute of Health says that less than seven hours a day can lead to huge problems. Some issues are emotional unbalance, not being able to pay attention, a lack of creativity, inability to cope with stress, and impaired motor skills. So not sleeping can actually cause a car accident, and risk yours as well as other peoples lives.

The National Institute of health says that an 18 year old should be getting around 10 hours of sleep a day, and an adult should get between 7.5-9 hours pre sleep a night. So think about how much sleep you get per night… and think about how you can work to add another few hours into your sleep cycle. Maybe it is cutting back on the late night Netflix, or waking up earlier to get the day starred. Getting sleep is crucial to ensuring success in not only school but life and needs to be a big priority for people.

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Concussions in Sports

In todays world youth football is a very controversial topic, many people feel that concussions make the sport unsafe for todays youth. But why do kids get so many concussions and is it really not safe for children to play football?

Every 21 seconds in the United States someone gets a concussion. This is an insanely high number of concussions in the United States alone. When someone gets hit very hard on the field their brain, which is made up of soft tissue, can bang against the skull. This causes swelling of the brain and in some cases tearing of blood vessels and nerve damage. Concussions can cause extreme damage, especially in kids when the brain is still developing.

Almost 10% of athletes will get a concussion in each sport season. Although 10% is a large number a more tragic statistic is that almost 50% of athletes do not report that they have sustained a head injury. This means that more than half of athletes keep playing through their injuries. This is extremely unsafe because playing with a concussion can lead to more serious brain injuries.Concussion

Most people don’t  know that a concussion changes the way that the brain functions. That is why they are so serious and why too many concussions can cause long term damage. Also when a child gets a concussion it can affect how they grow and develop. Because of this children should not be playing football. The risk of longterm damage is not worth the reward of playing peewee football.

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Why do we stop growing after puberty?

At some point in every single persons life they stop growing. But what determines when we stop growing and how much we grow?

A big part of what makes up how much we grow is our genes. We get our genes from our parents when we are conceived. So if you have tall parents there is a higher chance of you being tall. This also matches up for issues like obesity and medical conditions like high blood pressure.url

Personally my dad is six foot six inches tall, so you would expect me to be well over six feet tall. But due to the fact that my mom is only five foot four inches tall I stand 5 feet eleven inches tall. That is because my genes are a mix of both my mother and fathers and since my dad is very tall and mom average height I end up just above average.

We stop growing when our genes have completed their job, which is to get each person to be able to reproduce. That is why once we go through puberty and have achieved finally-a-club-where-tall-people-can-see-eye-to-eye-with-their-peersthe power to reproduce we stop growing. Our genes also control when we go through puberty. So once again our life path is dictated by our parents. During puberty the key hormones is thyroxin, androgens and estrogen. These hormones are found in the pituitary, thyroid and reproductive glands. The amount of these hormones can also affect how much we grow.

There are problems that can arise in the endocrine system. Gigantism is an issue that arises that causes someones arms and legs to grow rapidly. The outcome of this disorder causes the children to end up becoming as tall as 8 feet once they go through puberty.

Our genes and family history is the reason why some people grow to be very tall and why some other people end up being short. Scientist still have a hard time finding out how the genes work in detail.


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Why do We get sunburnt?

Being an especially pale person I have lived a life full of sunblock. Each May my mom comes home from CVS with bags full of sunblock for me. And each year I cover myself with sunblock to try to avoid becoming a human lobster. I started to wonder why we get sunburnt.  The sun is  92,960,000 miles away from us, so how can something so far away burn our skin?

Once summer rolls around people spend more time outside. We go to beaches, parks, on vacations and spend a lot of time in the sun. And although it is good to get outside the ultraviolet rays that the sun emits is not good for our skin. Getting sunburnt is jcelebrity_gossip_Summer_Sunburn_L5_0002_Layer_25_fullust our bodies natural defense mechanism. In our cells the melanocytes produce melanin which acts as a natural sunblock. Once the body senses that one part of our bodies is getting too much sun the cells will send melanin to try and protect the skin. The melanin in our bodies absorbs the sunlight and disperses it as heat throughout the body. That is why after you get sunburnt your skin feels hot.

Every persimgreson has about the same number of melanin cells in their body. But people get sunburnt easier because their body releases the melanin after the body is exposed to different amounts of sunlight. So someone who releases their melanin quicker will. So when we put on sunblock it blocks the ultraviolet rays that the sun sends out. Sunblock acts as an extra layer of protection to insure that people don’t get sunburnt.

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How do microwaves work?

We all use microwaves, they are in every single dorm room in east and almost every house in America so how do they work?



Its fascinating that our food can be heated up in a matter of seconds. So how do microwaves work? Witchcraft, a small dragon that breathes fire on your food while it is inside. Well as you may be able to tell, neither of these are how your food gets heated up. To my surprise neither of these are the ways that microwaves work.

Microwaves use radio waves that are set at a specific frequency. These radio waves cause the water molecules in food to vibrate. The vibration causes the food to heat up extremely quickly. When food is put in a conventional oven the heat moves from the outside of the food to the inside which is why the conventional oven takes more time.

The radio waves that are sent through your food can pass through ceramic plates and glass bowls without causing the plates to explode. This is convientient because only the food gets heated up and the plate does not explode or blow up. Also the microwave process does not reduce the nutritional value of the food, this was just a rumor that went around years ago.

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What’s the deal with steroids in sports?

It seems like everyday a new athlete is being accused of using steroids. So I was wondering why are steroids so bad, and what do they actually do once they are put into our bodies.


Headlines like this are constantly on the front page.

Just so everyone knows when the term “steroid” is used to talk about a pro athlete the media is referring to anabolic steroids. You see inside of our bodies steroids are produced. The steroids in our bodies cause us to hit puberty and get bigger. But when a pro athlete uses steroids they turn to anabolic steroids that are only legal when prescribed by a doctor.

Athletes most commonly use artificially produced testosterone which normally is found inside our bodies. Athletes use artificial steroids to cope with the  intense workload that comes with being a pro athlete. But what do steroids do?

Once a person injections themselves with steroids their body has a higher amount of testosterone in the blood stream. The blood with increased testosterone is moved around the body through the blood stream and this causes the athlete to have more energy. On paper steroids don’t seem so bad… they make you stronger and make sports games more interesting because the athletes are in better shape. But steroids have insane side affects that can ruin peoples lives once the fame is over.

We have all heard of “roid rage”, and its a real thing. One side affect of steroids is mood swings so it is common for someone who uses steroids to have mood swings and get made easily. Also since the heart is pumping blood around the body at a higher pace the chances of getting heart disease are much higher in someone who uses steroids. Also it can cause men’s testicles to shrink and the development of breasts in males.

Look at how much different Barry Bonds looks after years of steroids abuse:bondsbeforeandaftersteroids


Personally I think that steroids shouldn’t be allowed in professional sports because it ruins the wholesomeness that watching a sports game has. Also it harms athletes everywhere and can take years off of their lives.


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