After having a long day of work or school, and have been out all day, a lot of people just want to take a nice long hot shower to just relax. Just let the hot water pour down, and relieve all stress and also get squeaky clean too! Then the moment comes sometimes when the hot water runs out, and that burst of cold water just comes and shocks your whole body. At that moment a person wants to get out of the shower, so whats up with cold showers?
It is said that cold showers can have a few benefits for people. One benefit is that cold showers can help the hair and the skin. Do you ever notice that sometimes when you get out of the shower that your skin can be a little dry? When a person is in the shower “the oils in the skin softens, and when a person uses soap, the skins oils are stripped“(Howstuffworks). This also goes along with hair. I have been fascinated with hair for awhile now, and I have realized that when I rinse my hair out with cool water, my hair feels softer. This is because the cool water basically makes the hair cuticle close which helps locks in the hairs moisture to make it feel softer.
Another benefit of cold showers are that it helps with blood flow in the body, and help with soreness. I read a study about why people should take showers after exercising which tried to show the benefits of it. In the study,” 360 people who did some type of exercise such as cycling or running, rested or immersed themselves in cold water after exercises. The researchers did seventeen trials. After the study, the researchers found that the cold water baths helped relieved soreness one to four days after exercise”. ( Third variables can always be a factor when it comes to this study because since it is not experimental, there is always a chance for something else to be the causal factor for something to occur. Also being immersed in cold water and showering is different, so there can be a possibility that the outcomes of this study would come out differently. Also the study did talk about the different temperatures of the water which can also play a factor in the outcomes of the study.
Another benefit of cold showers is that it can increase alertness. Like I talked about at the beginning of the blog, when some people feel the cold water they immediately want to get out of the shower. If a person takes showers in the morning, and they are super tired, the quick burst of cold water can make them wake up, and become more alert. (
For me personally, I do not really like the cold if I do not have to deal with it. I think cold showers are very uncomfortable, and I do not know how people do it. From the few benefits that I did read about cold showers, sure they’re pretty interesting but I’ll stick to my warm showers. The only time I do use cold water is for my hair, like I talked about earlier, but I could not bathe myself entirely in cold water.
Do you guys like cold showers?