All around the world the drinking age in each country fluctuates. There are many different views across the world on why it should or shouldn’t be at a certain age. There are even a few countries that do not have a minimum drinking age whatsoever. There are fourteen that require an age of 16 and seven that require the age of 21 for drinking. The high majority of countries across the globe require an age of 18 to have consumption.
Each person has their own personal opinion on what it should be, and their own reasons on why it should be like that. America is 21, and we also have one of the highest binge drinking rates in the whole world. There might be a correlation somewhere in there. Maybe americans binge drink so much due to the fact that we aren’t allowed to drink so we have to get all of out drinking done on those times we actually do drink.
For the countries that have it set at 16, some might say that the age is simply too young because our brains are simply not developed yet. According to, our brains do not stop fully developing until we are into our 20’s. Could too much alcohol hinder the development of the brain before it is completely done? Although people in these countries on average do not seem to have any different brain problems than any other single country. So who is setting the bar at the right height?
In my opinion I think the drinking age should be 18 everywhere in the world. It would cut down on binge drinking in the countries where the legal age is 21 and it would also stop the countries with the age of 16 from possibly effecting their development of their brains. I don’t see the age changing anytime soon, at least in America.