Ladies, if you’re like me, going a day without makeup feels so weird! I’ve been putting in on for so long that it’s just part of my routine. Sometimes it seems like if I didn’t put makeup on then the rest of my day slowly starts to crumble. Makeup really is a release for me though. I love to keep up on all the latest trends by watching Youtube videos and checking the Sephora website daily to see if there’s anything new. This had me wondering why I and many other women love to wear makeup so much.
A study was done in France to find answers to that exact question. They asked 70 women of all different ages to partake in the study where they had them complete 4 different questionnaires. The surveys had all sorts of questions about their makeup routine and the feelings behind putting makeup on. They were trying to get at the psychological side of it. Finally, they asked the women to stick to their normal beauty routine. They were allowed to use any kind and as much or little makeup as they wished during the time of the study. The null hypothesis was that when women put makeup on they felt nothing, there were no emotions attached to the practice. The alternative hypothesis was that there were emotions attached and there was a reason as to why women applied the makeup. After sifting through all of the surveys, the researchers came to some conclusions. The surveys revealed two groups that came out on top overall as to why women put on makeup. The first was camouflage and the second was seduction. Camouflage meaning that women use makeup to hide their imperfections and seduction meaning that makeup us used to get others attention. They concluded that women will often times use makeup to cope with emotional and insecurity issues that they face; wearing makeup helps them to feel more confident. So the researchers rejected the null hypothesis and are looking into further studying the alternative.
These results don’t surprise me at all, although I don’t think that they are a blanket statement for all women. I wonder if we had done this same experiment with women who had cosmetic surgery done if the results would be the same. Or what if we looked at the clothes that women wear, would those results come out differently? What do you think?
Sevtap Aytug, from Turkey, did a study of television, magazines and several other types of media to determine what the big deal is with appearance and makeup. He found that women use makeup as a form of self expression. They just enjoy the process of applying it.
I think that both of these conclusions are correct. Every woman is different and wears makeup for different reasons, whether it’s because she is insecure, wants to impress someone, just enjoys the process of it or maybe a combination. No matter what reason, women shouldn’t feel bad about putting makeup on. I believe that women should feel confident in their own skin and if that means covering up some of the areas we may not like so much than go for it! Women should never made to feel bad about their beauty routines!
Study #1:
Study #2: