Postcards for Pollinators!
For Earth Day/Earth Week, Sustainovation Team member Dr. Laura Guertin joined forces with the Vairo Library for a week-long campaign for protecting our pollinators. The Earth Day Network theme for 2019 was Protect Our Species, and the campus decided to focus specifically on the plight of our threatened pollinators.
Students were allowed to submit their names to online petitions or to write postcards to the EPA to encourage the ban on neonic pesticides that kill pollinators, to write postcards to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos to encourage Amazon to stop selling these chemicals, and to write our Pennsylvania Senators to encourage them to support the Pollinator Recovery Act. The Library also hosted a book display on pollinators.
The Postcards for Pollinators event in Vairo Library during Earth Day/Earth Week in spring 2019 supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities, Goal #12 – Responsible Consumption and Production, Goal #15 – Life On Land, and Goal #17 – Partnerships For The Goals.