
Aug 21 2021: Welcome back BBQ party: Guangchi, Zi Xian, Junzhu, Nolan, Xuejian, Sam, Gabriel, Tieyuan, and Rafal

Principal investigator

tieyuanzhuTieyuan Zhu, Associate Professor of Geophysics     CV in PDF

2013 – Best Paper Presented by a student (one recipient each year) from SEG

2018 – J. Clarence Karcher Award from SEG


Postdoc Fellow

Dr. Pengliang Yu (U. of Auckland)
Postdoc Researcher (2023 - ) co-advise with C. Marone/D. Elsworth,
Interests: search for hidden induced earthquakes in geothermal using machine learning.
Dr. Donggeon Kim (U. of Seoul)
Postdoc Researcher (2023 - )
Interests: can we use seismic attenuation for monitoring CO2?


Dr. Zhinong Wang (U. of China Petroleum (East))
Postdoc Researcher (2024 - )
Interests:  DAS near-surface imaging, guided P-wave.


Graduate Students

Nolan Roth, PhD student (2020 - ), 2020 B.S. High Point University.
Interests: Water on Mars using seismoelectic signals from Insight datasets; 
Paper-1: Rothetal2023-BSSA-thunderquake
Paper-2: Roth2024-JGR-Mars


Gabriel Dos Santos, PhD student (2021 - ), 2020 B.S. Federal Fluminense University.
Interests: Studying permafrost ice wedge cracking using DAS sensors.



Jackson Saftner, PhD student (2022 - ), 2020 M.S. University of South Carolina.
Interests: seismic signals of fractures and machine learning.


Joe Miller, M.S. student (2024 - ), 2023 B.S. Penn State University.
Interests: Characterizing low-yield mining blasts using DAS and machine learning.


Guilherme Zakarewicz, PhD student (2024 - ), 2024 M.S. University of Brasília, Brasil.
Interests: permafrost quakes
Dayang Zhou, PhD student (2024 - ), 2024 B.S. USTC. Interests: ice quakes and permafrost quakes



Junzhu Shen, PhD student (2018 – 2024), PhD thesis: Signals from storms, wind, water, and humans using fiber seismology and machine learning. Paper-1: ShenZhu2021-TSR-COVID-noise, Paper-2: ShenZhu2023-GJI-Storms Currently: Geophysicist in Zanskar Geothermal Inc

Zi Xian Leong, PhD student (2018 – 2023), 2017 B.S. The University of Washington. PhD thesis “Deep-learning in data-limited geophysics: Examples from GPR, time-lapse seismic, and microearthquake”. Paper-1, Paper-2, Paper-3 (LeongZhu2024-Geothermal), Currently: Geophysicist in Chevron

Rafal Czarny, Postdoc Researcher (2021 – 2023), Ambient noise interferometry of urban DAS recordings. Paper-1

Xuejian Liu, Postdoc Researcher (2020 – 2022), full waveform inversion and its application to critical zone and CO2 monitoring. Paper-1, Paper-2, Currently: Geophysicist in SinoPec

Guangchi Xing, PhD (2017 – 2022), His PhD research is on developing seismic attenuation models, wave propagation, and seismic full waveform inversion. Paper-1, Paper-2, Paper-3, Paper-4, Currently: Geophysicist in Chevron, Here is Dr. Xing’s PhD_Dissertation2022

Sam Hone, MS student (2019 – 2021), 2019 B.S. Slippery Rock University. His main research interests are in seismic tomography of fiber-optic DAS datasets for mapping local geological structures. Paper-1 Currently: Geophysicist in Tetra Tech

Chao Huang, Postdoc Fellow (2018 – 2020), 2018 Ph.D. Tongji University. His main research interests are in seismic full waveform inversion, microseismic imaging, and seismic fracture imaging. He aims to apply his algorithms to imaging subsurface CO2 plumes, fault/fracture imaging, and critical zones. Paper-1, Paper-2  Currently: Associate Research Professor at Tongji University

Aoshuang Ji, MS student (2017 – 2019), 2017 B.S. Sun Yat-sen University. Her main research interests are in gas hydrates, seismic attenuation, climate change, and glacial ice. Paper-1, Currently: Penn State Ph.D. student

———————————————————————————— Visiting Students————————————————————————————————————————

Jixin Yang, visiting PhD student (2023 – 24), Institute of Acoustics CAS. Interests: Seismic attenuation of subsurface CO2 plumes.

Chao Guo, visiting PhD student (2019 – 2020), Beijing University of S&T. He worked on the active-source acoustic and passive acoustic emission to investigate the response of seismic velocity and seismic attenuation to the evolution of microseismicity (AGU2019). Meanwhile, he developed the microearthquake location using deep learning (AGU2020).

Nan Huai, visiting PhD student (2018 – 2020), Jilin University. Her research topic is to develop the theory of simultaneous GPR full waveform inversion of permittivity and conductivity.

Ning Wang, visiting PhD student (2018 – 2019), China University of Petroleum (Beijing). His main research interests are in wave propagation, seismic attenuation, viscoelasticity, and reverse-time migration. Paper-1, Paper-2

Tao Liu, visiting PhD student (2018 – 2019), China University of Geosciences (Beijing). His main research topic is using seismic methods to characterize gas hydrates. Paper-1

Former Student Collaborators

Tong Bai, (2017-2019), Colorado School of Mines, Fractional Laplacian Q-anisotropy wave propagation and imaging, Paper-1, Paper-2

Mengyao Ji, (2017-2018), U. of Houston, Q-RTM with a local solver, SEG2017_abstract

Jie Yao, (2016-2017), U. of Houston, Locally solving fractional Laplacian visco-acoustic wave equation, Paper-1

Zhiguang Xue, (2015-2016), U. of Texas, FWI using a fractional Laplacian visco-acoustic wave equation, Paper-1

Junzhe Sun, (2014 – 2016), U. of Texas, Viscoacoustic modeling, microseismic imaging, least-square viscoacoustic RTM, Paper1Paper2Paper3, Paper4

Yi Shen, (2013 – 2014), Stanford U. Wave equation Q migration analysis, SEG2015_qtomo

Former undergraduate students

Joe Miller, 2023 Summer/Fall, DAS recordings of low-yield mining blasts

Jiawen He2019 Spring, Building Lunar shallow structure by reprocessing Apollo seismic refraction data

Pureunsol Oh2018 Spring, GPR modeling in a layered lunar regolith

Ziyad Almaimoni, 2018 Spring, Near-surface seismic model building and refraction tomography