WIP: Online Deliberation Week 2

So this week, I have continued my online deliberation with the use of my local newspaper, PennLive. I have not received any responses yet, so I have nothing to post. I responded to an article about Gov. Corbett wanting to raise gas taxes to fund an increase in the state transportation budget. Obviously people were disgruntled over pain at the pump, but I tried to play devil’s advocate and explain to them that if they don’t make sacrifices, nobody will, and our roads will (continue to) fail.

Online Deliberation Work In Progress

So this evening, I began my online deliberation with the use of PennLive.com, the website of my local newspaper. I chose an article about Senator Bob Casey’s proposal of legislation that would require equal pay for men and women for the same job.

Here are my screenshots from the conversation I had:

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At first, I refuted an argument based on absolutely nothing, simply name calling of the senator and calling men’s work “harder” because it involves more physical work. I was then refuted by someone calling my sources biased, and challenging me to explain the actions of people who are only slightly involved in this debate. While I cannot explain other’s actions, I attempted to reason with the person logically. They sensed a liberal mindset in my words, and then generalized me to have one heartbeat with Bob Casey, dismissing me as a reason for the failed economy. However, I think level heads prevailed here.