Libya, the tourist capital of the world

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Enjoy lush green mountains as well as beautiful beaches? Do you enjoy visiting ancient roman ruins? Well if you do Libya is the place for you! There many natural and man-made wonders of the world are in Libya today. All you need is a plane ticket!
country map
I will first start off with the climate of Libya. There are generally considered two types of climate in Libya. One of which is the Mediterranean zone, which is found on the coastal lowland. This area experiences warm summers and mild winters and is home to some of the finest beaches in Libya. The other type of climate is that of the inner part of the country which is desert. The desert region is home to many ancient ruins and has beauty rivaling that of the coast.
green grassdesert
Less than 2% of Libya gets enough rainfall for settled agriculture. Of the 2%, the Jabal al Akhdar region of eastern Libya receives between 23-15 in of rain per year. All other parts of the country receive 15 in or less rainfall per year with the Sahara being lowest at 2in or less. Libya is known for being erratic when it comes to rainfall, some areas can be flooded one year and can endure a sever drought the next. Because of this Libya can have a changing landscape, one part lush vegetation, the other part barren desert. This can provide beautiful contrasts between areas of water and areas of desert that attract tourists from around the world. Coupled with Libya’s diverse climate are the country’s beautiful ancient roman ruins, another very big tourist attraction for the country.
Some of the biggest attractions in the country are near Libya’s capitol city, Tripoli. Tripoli is not only Libya’s capital but also one of the country’s biggest ports. The city is home to a large museum, the Jamahiriya, as well as the arch of Marcus Aurelius, the last surviving roman ruin in the city.
red castle
The Assai al-Hamra or “Red Castle” dominates Tripoli’s skyline. Its architecture is reminiscent of roman times and this citadel has been a major part of the city for hundreds of years.
The Gurgi and the Karamanli Mosques are known for their beautiful and intricate tile work and decorations and are must see if you visit Tripoli.


There are many sites to see outside of Tripoli as well. The town of Ghadhames is a perfect example of Libyan Desert architecture and is a popular attraction because of this.


One of the most archaeologically intriguing sites in Libya is that of Leptis Magna. The site is near the town of Khomes and is about 120 kilometers east of Tripoli. The ruins contain a theater, a basilica, and a huge bath, all of which can attest to the former glory of the Roman Empire.
The Greek and Roman city of Cyrene is another must-see in Libya, as it is considered a replica of the Delphi in Greece. It was the oldest and most important of the five greek cities in the region. Because of this, it gave eastern libya its classical name, Cyreniaca, which lasted into modern time.


Libya also has a beautiful coastline. So now that you have seen Libya, it’s time to book your flights!


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