Tag Archives: The Beauty of Africa

Rwanda’s Positive Attributes

For starters, Rwanda offers the concept of Gorilla Trekking, which is alluring because of its rarity. In other areas, people are only given the privilege to see gorillas from afar. Rwanda offers opportunities for people to come inches from the animal- which is an experience that can’t be duplicated. Roughly 480 gorillas call the Virunga Mountains in Rwanda their home, which is more than half the world’s entire population. According to people who have attended the trek, looking into the eyes of a large silverback gorilla is amazing because he will look back at you with a thinking and intelligent gaze. The experience has been quoted as being “a magical encounter that transcends any other wildlife experience.”


is the central area for both political and commercial life. It is developing at a rapid pace, and is a showpiece capital designed for visitors, tourists, and foreign investors. It’s growing business sector gives younger Rwandan’s who aspire to have an office job or modern lifestyle to move toward the capital. It has created a new home for many people who left Rwanda during times of conflict, and have returned due to new economic opportunities. It is a successful destination for young church or NGO volunteers having their first experience with Africa due to its clean and comfortable conditions. It is considered to be an area with a low level of crime. In addition to this, It is jam-packed with local markets that have Rwandan clothing, handicrafts, jewelry, and other alluring objects dripping with culture. In regards to its cuisine, Kigali is known for its combination of Belgium culinary influence. Popular dishes include freshwater fish and vegetables at an affordable price. The top three restaurants- Rz MANNA, Meze Fresh, and Heaven Restaurant and Inn- received raving reviews on Trip Advisor.


The people of Rwanda are very in-tune with social etiquette. Unlike most cities in the United States, it is important to greet everyone that passes by saying either “Mwaramutse (in the morning)” or “Mwirwe (in the afternoon),” where as in the US, it is typical to ignore those who pass by. When talking to friends, a common practice is to lay a hand on the others hip while the right hand touches their shoulder. In order to show respect, people hold their right forearm with their left hand while shaking hands. Holding hands with someone of the same sex is a sign of friendship. The importance that is put on social manners is directly correlated with their respect for others in the community.

In regards to community, the family unit in Rwanda is also very important. A family is typically comprised with a husband, wife, and children. However, people from related households form a kinship with those who are not directly related. Having a kinship with those in the community is seen as being a necessity. Through kinships, Rwandan’s can better care for themselves and their family.

Rwanda has a rich tradition of celebrations that involve music and dance. Celebratory dances often performed with roughly nine drum players providing a beat. One of the oldest Rwandan music and dance groups is called the “Dance Troupe.” The “Dance Troupe” directly translates to “the chosen ones.” It was founded several centuries ago, and still maintain a strong success by performing across the country and at the National Museum in Huye. They use music and dance to convey concepts such as peace existing between formally opposed ethnic groups. Being able to sing and dance is a point of pride and source of happiness for Rwandans.rwanda-11


All of these positive things do not affect my view of the country, because I already had a positive view on Rwanda. Despite all of its social unrest, I am aware of the fact that there are countless beautiful attributes that outweigh the bad.