Sports Drinks or Water?


The debate of sports drinks vs water has been a highly-talked topic for years. From personal experience, I used to drink water during intense soccer or track matches. Soon enough, I realized I was not getting the proper energy and I often felt weak. Some people stick strictly to staying hydrated through water, but many of those people are not getting the most out of their athletic performance as others. There have been several experiments to determine if a sports drink is better during various forms of exercise, but the most important thing is which type of liquid keeps you the most hydrated and energized.

When we perform physical activity, we lose larger amounts of water and sodium than we would if not exercising at all. More importantly, during warmer weather, the body loses even more water and can easily become dehydrated if the water levels are not replaced. This decline of water has to be replenished in some way. Water can replenish those lost fluids at first, but it can not keep replacing these. If only water is consumed, it can lead to severe muscle cramps and aches. This is why another type of drink should be consumed during physical activity.

Yes, water is an excellent choice to keep the body hydrated during physical exercise. However, our body loses water very easily when exercising so we need other choices to keep fueling our body. Besides a study showing that sports drinks are used because the taste appeals to people more than water, sports drinks are composed of electrolytes and carbohydrates. People exercising for a long periods of time need the constant replacement of carbohydrates for energy and electrolytes for muscle contraction. Sports drinks such as Gatorade, has a higher content of sodium and calories that will replenish the lost sodium and fluids lost during sweating. According to The American College of Sports and Medicine, you should drink a sports drink (Gatorade) about an hour after you are done exercising. It has been said the best way to stay hydrated and energized is to use a mix of both water and a sports drink.


According to research done by Louis Burke from the Australian Institute of Sport in Victoria, sports drinks are beneficial. From his personal research, the sport drink Gatorade (and sports drinks in general) deliver fluids to body tissue much faster than water, they provide carbohydrate and sodium replenishment, they are refreshing during exercise, and they can even cause people to drink more to stay hydrated than when drinking water.

In a study performed by the creator of Gatorade, Cade, Gatorade was seen to show considerable results in the performance of athletes compared to water. One marathon runner drank a bottle of Gatorade, another drank half of a Gatorade bottle, and the other runner solely drank water. In the graph below, you can see that the third runner who just drank water had the least amount of energy and lowest sodium concentration. This means that particular runner’s energy would burn out much faster than the other two runners. The second runner who drank half of a Gatorade, had greater sodium levels. The first runner who drank the full Gatorade had the highest sodium concentration, which allowed him to have the most energy and maintain that energy to complete the race.


Through the evidence and studies, the bottom line is that water is a good choice for working out if it is a low-intensity workout. However, the best option for physical activity is to drink a mixture of water and a sports drink so the body is fueled for the entire exercise. Be smart about what you put into your bodies and the outcome will surprise you!





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