Myth or Fact?

Does chocolate cause acne? Myth or fact? There have been all sorts of findings that say foods high in antioxidants are good for our skin. On the contrary, some sources say that dairy and carbohydrates can lead to acne but have yet to be proven true. The truth is that many factors affect the beauty of our skin as hormones and diets vary between people. The idea that chocolate causes acne has been an on-going myth without a true end.

In 1969 study done by James E. Fulton Jr., Gerd Plewig, and Alber M. Kligman found no connection between acne and chocolate consumption. In this study, “Sixty five subjects were assigned to consume either a chocolate bar that contained 10 times the amount of bittersweet chocolate of a normal 45g chocolate bar or a chocolate-less placebo bar that contained 28 percent vegetable fat corresponding with the fat content in chocolate liqueur and cocoa butter.” Although no difference was found in the subjects skin, a study done in May 2014 found a possible link. Caroline Caperton and others conducted a, “Double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, controlled trial.” As stated in the abstract in this study, “Fourteen men between the ages of 18 and 35 were assigned to swallow capsules filled with either unsweetened 100-percent cocoa, hydrolyzed gelatin powder, or a combination of the two, at baseline.” The results of this study found that the men experienced an intensification of their already present acne. This could be a warning for men with acne-prone skin but doesn’t prove anything for women.

I’d say if you are chocolate lover to keep on eating because more research needs to be done in order to determine whether chocolate really causes acne. Duke dermatologist Diana McShane (MD) says, “‘Studies that specifically address the association of diet and acne are difficult to design with enough power to determine true cause and effect.’” The best way to determine if something is bad for your skin specifically is to test it out yourself!

Works Cited

“Is Chocolate Bad for Your Skin?” How Stuff Works. Ed. Elizabeth Whitmore. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2014. <>.

The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2014. <>.

“Myth or Fact: eating chocolate causes acne.” Duke Medicine. N.p., 26 Aug. 2013. Web. 30 Nov. 2014. <>.

“New Study Shows Chocolate Causes Acne.” Acne Einstein. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2014. <>.




7 thoughts on “Myth or Fact?

  1. Kaylani Chang

    You should also consider the type of chocolate that is being consumed. Also, the genes a person has in reference to their skin because some people’s skin are affected by the kind of food they eat while others are not.

  2. Abigail Charlotte Ventosa

    I also did an article on this before! I came to the same conclusion, that nothing can be proved. There is so many third variables that come into play with the individuals skin. Chocolate can affect some people and not affect others. Also, different brands of chocolates might cause different results.

  3. Brittney Ann Strazza

    I have never even heard of a relationship between acne and chocolate consumption. The first thing I think about is girl a girl who is about to menstruate and is craving chocolate. I know for me personally I tend to break out before my period due to an imbalance of hormones. Maybe that is where the original connection came from. I do not really consume much chocolate but I think it is a good thing that there is no proven link for women. I feel as everything that we do is bad for our bodies in some way. If chocolate and acne have any correlation, I am very curious as to why it is only showing in men.

  4. Mariah K Geletko

    This is a very interesting blog post because I myself love chocolate! I eat it everyday and I didn’t think the myth that chocolate causes acne was around anymore. I have been consuming chocolate for as long as I can remember and I have never noticed the chocolate being a culprit in causing breakouts. I agree with your statement of trying something out for yourself to see how it pertains to you. I also agree with more in depth and accurate research needing to be done.

  5. ram5928

    While I do not believe chocolate has any effect on acne, I do believe that eating healthy and drinking plenty of water does help skin to be hydrated and look better. Different vitamins, antioxidants, and nutrients help people have a better complexion. It might not make a drastic change, but it does help. I think drinking water is the most important thing a person can do for their skin because that is how skin stays healthy and hydrated.

  6. Caitlin Marie Gailey

    I was surprised this myth still existed. When I was younger my doctor told me that my diet had little to no effect on acne. I think the cause of this speculated correlation is because people who eat unhealthy foods may rub grease from it onto their face. The grease actually can cause acne but people could wrongly assume that it was the food that caused this. I agree that more research needs to be done but until then I will continue to be a chocolate lover.

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