During my Junior year in High School, I took a course titled Physics 1. It was an introduction course and it covered everything from circuits and batteries to the acceleration of gravity. In my opinion, the most interesting part of the course was Astronomy section where we learned how big our universe really is. It got me thinking, Earth cannot possibly be the only planet with intelligent life. Do Aliens exist?
One piece of evidence that can lead us closer to discovering alien life is the fact that there has been evidence of water found on different planets other than Earth as well as multiple moons. NASA Chief Scientist, Ellen Stofan, stated “I think we’re going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade, and I think we’re going to have definitive evidence within 20 to 30 years.” Here, you can find a video of a panel of NASA scientists speaking about water in the universe.
NASA recently released this graphic below, which shows the results of their research into which planets and moons in our universe have evidence of water.
The evidence provided above is vital to the progress of discovering alien life because intelligent life must have water to survive and thrive in their habitat. We know that because humans and animals on Earth must have water in order to live.
As to the actual being of aliens, many different theories exist. Citizens around the world have claimed to seen aliens or evidence that aliens have set foot on Earth. Common phenomena include crop circles and UFO’s. Crop circles are patterns that are made in crop fields by flattening certain parts of the crops in the field. Theories suggest that aliens make these patterns with their spaceships when they are on Earth. Alien spaceships are commonly referred to as UFO’s, or Unidentified Flying Object.
While there has been evidence and indications that might lead to the discovery of aliens existing on other planets in the universe, nothing has been proven yet. The fact that there is water on other planets could mean that there is alien life, but it is not certain. The fact that there have been claims of UFO’s being seen could mean there is alien life, but it is not certain. Based on this research and evidence, we cannot yet say that Aliens exist among us.