I’m sure you remember walking into a classroom and seeing a sign in large letters say “NO GUM IN CLASS!” because for one reason or another, your teacher did not want students chewing gum. Whether it was for the reason being that students would stick it underneath their desks when they were finished, or because it was distracting to others, gum was never allowed. However in a college environment, students can freely chew gum and not be worried about getting a detention when caught or being asked to spit it out embarrassingly in front of the entire class.
Gum is great! Not only are there an abundance of flavors to attend to everyone’s taste buds, but each stick has zero, or a few if any, calories! Chewing gum is a way for me not to overeat as well, because I will chew it before meals and it helps me figure out if I am hungry, or if my mouth was just dry. Like most students, I enjoy chewing gum in class, and feel that a gum ban in classrooms is detrimental to learning.
In 2009, a study was conducted on the effects on chewing gum and its correlation to academic performance. “Researchers at the Baylor College of Medicine took 108 eighth-grade math students from a Houston, Texas, school and divided them into two groups, following them for 14 weeks. One group chewed gum while doing homework and during test-taking situations. The other group did not chew gum at all” (CNN). The study concluded results in favor of gum chewing! “The gum-chewing students had a 3 percent increase in their standardized math test scores compared with those who did not chew gum. Also, the students who chewed gum had better final grades compared with the non-chompers” (CNN).
Isn’t it ironic how teachers continue to go against chewing gum in classrooms in the year 2015, 6 years after this conclusive study was done? As a student and avid learner, it frustrates me that educators would not promote chewing gum, as research has proven that it can help excel in the classroom. Considering that gum has been proven to reduce stress, one can also agree that chewing gum in the classroom can also reduce anxieties that go along with learning, and therefore can increase social performance in the classroom. Teachers in the past have explicitly told me that participation during class will increase my grade, however that does not reduce the anxiety I have to participate. Weighing the pros and cons, I sometimes choose to not participate because my anxiety is too high. Recently having started to chew gum more in the classroom, I have been able to actively pay more attention, and therefore not feel as nervous to participate, because I know what i am talking about.
My hope for the future is that all teachers require students to chew gum in classrooms. Because gum stimulates the brain, it will allow students to excel, and therefore feel more comfortable in their respective classes. Even though school janitors and faculty may be against this idea at first, it is important to remember that students act in ways of rebellion because it makes them excited to accomplish tasks they are forbidden to do. When allowed to chew gum freely, students will respect property more, as well as make great strides academically. Who knew something as cheap as $1 could make you smarter in an instant?
Pingback: How To Not Get Caught Chewing Gum In Class | Voajoyka
Going along with what Alexandra said, I would also still chew gum even when it has the sign outside the classroom. It felt great to rebel as well and not get caught for it. This is what actually started my chewing gum addiction too and started chewing about one to two pieces per day. It also helps me to focus more in class as well. Once I pop a piece of gum into my mouth, I instantly become more intersted in the topic being present.
I apologize. Here is that link
I agree with many of the other comments, I hate when teachers say that chewing gum is prohibited. I think that if someone is popping their gum or chewing it loudly they should have attention called on them, however, if someone is chewing gum normally they should not be punished. I have heard in the past that chewing gum while you take tests helps you remember the information!
I absolutely detested those “NO GUM IN THE CLASSROOM” signs throughout elementary, middle school and even in some of my high school rooms. However I did have one teacher who heard about these studies that gum actually helped students improve their test scores and concentrate more, she of course shared her finding with the class. So whenever we took a test or quiz in the class she would allow us to chew gum, and take off our shoes! Apparently taking your shoes off during a test also helps you to relax and concentrate better. ( Here is an article with more info about that theory). Chewing gum actually worked for me then, and it still does today! Any test, quiz, or exam I take you can always find me chewing gum. Even when I am studying or doing homework. I LOVE to chew gum! I do it all the time; to help me calm down when I’m feeling anxious, to concentrate on something, to quench my hunger, and even just to cover up stinky breath. It is a necessity that I always have with me wherever I go.
Your first sentence really got me, because I vividly remember those neon signs stating no gum. I also remember feeling very rebellious as I chewed gum anyways. I can no longer chew gum, due to an injury, but it was still very interesting to see that that study showed significant benefits to chewing gum in class. I wonder if there have been any more studies done on this subject and if they show similar results. If they do, then you have an argument for a point you obviously feel passionate about! Although, I’m not sure if you’ll be able to convince elementary school teachers, since the gum under the desks is a prevalent problem. Also, now, when people complain about having trouble staying awake in class, I will have to consider recommending gum to them!
I found this so interesting! That teachers and schools ban chewing gum even though it actually helps us! I looked more into this subject and found another study Home that shows that gum actually helps a student. Teachers should really look into this.