I have been a fainter for as long as I can remember. I remember the first time it happened. I was about eight years old and on the way to the doctor to get a shot. I kept thinking about how they always said “If you have any side effects, call to let us know.” So I asked my dad what these side effects could be. He said it could involve a rash, being light headed, fainting, etc. After I got my shot, everything seemed fine. But as soon as I opened the doors to go outside to walk to the car, everything turned black and white and seemed to start spinning. There was a high pitch ringing in my eyes and I didn’t think I could hear anything else besides that. My dad had to carry me to the car and put my head between my legs. Ever since that one time, I have not been able to go to the doctors without getting lightheaded. And I have always wondered why it seemed to happen the day I asked what the side effects could be, and what actually goes on in the body to make us faint.
Fainting could be caused by many, many things. But it seems the most common that people faint at the sight of blood, getting s shot/ blood taken, etc. I get queasy at the sight of blood, but for the most part I can handle it, and for the most part I can handle the pain that comes with getting a shot. But what makes me get lightheaded and faint is the fact that I over think. For instance, it isn’t the pain of getting blood taken, it’s me thinking about it in the way that, first they are tying something around my arm to cut off my circulation, and to make my veins pop out (veins freak me out enough themselves), and then they are sticking a sharp object into my vein.
It may be more comforting to know that fainting is actually your body responding and protecting itself. But what happens in the body during this time? First off, fainting occurs when there is a significant drop in your blood pressure. When this happens, there is a lack of oxygenated blood that gets to your brain. Your blood is centered around your heart because it is focused on keeping the heart beating. But once you have fainted you are now laying down, and the blood and oxygen can now travel back to the brain. It is why we get so pale when we faint, the blood is all centered around your heart.
Here are some symptoms to look out for next time you are at the doctors or in any situation where there is a possibility of fainting. Of course there is lightheadedness, which should be the most obvious sign. There could also be sweating, ringing in the ear, weakness, and tunnel vision. Fainting is not a fun experience, take it from someone who experiences it all the time. But just keep in mind that it is your body’s way of protecting itself. Trust it!
here is a video of a trick you can use when you feel faint
i really enjoyed your blog because like you, I tend to faint a lot. Usually i faint because of dehydration, which is one of the common causes (http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Fainting/Pages/Causes.aspx). Its extremely weird if you actually think of the act of fainting. Your body just shuts down completely for a short period of time and then starts back up, it’s like restarting a computer. After reading your blog I learned a lot more about the science behind fainting but I began to question it a little more. For example, when people faint are they unresponsive for different amount of times? If so, do those times differ for a reason?