Why Does Goldschläger Get You So Turnt?

What is it?

Goldschläger is a Swedish cinnamon schnapps that contains little pieces of gold. The little pieces of 24- carat gold add up to be about 1/10th of a gram which is less then 4 dollars on todays market.


A general consensus about Goldschläger is that the pieces of gold cut your throat, making allowing the alcohol to go directly into your blood stream, making you incredibly drunk, incredibly fast. Unfortunaltey for those who like to blame how shit-faced they were on this- it isn’t true.

The Truth:

The truth is that if you cant drink without having to blame your bad human decisions on gold flakes, then you probably should not be drinking.

The truth about the 24 karat gold sheets, is that precious metal in that concentration do not have sharp edges and are not able to cut anything. One of the special properties of that precious metal is its softness .

More About Goldschläger

It originated in Sweden but is now manufactured in Italy. The originally put more flakes of gold into the bottle, but since the human body wasn’t made to digest precious metals, the company reduced the amount in the bottle. It is 43.5% alcohol which is 87 proof.


Here, you can see the tiny golf flakes in the shot.

3 thoughts on “Why Does Goldschläger Get You So Turnt?

  1. John Wilson Mcavoy

    i was always curious whether or not this liquor was more potent than others ever since i saw it in Superbad, which built it up quite a bit. After trying it recently, I found exactly what this post says to be true. It is just like every other liquor, nothing too special about it. At first I did think that it hit harder than expected, but I think that was just placebo as it settled down pretty quickly.

  2. Alexandra D Hayward Post author

    My parents did too! I never really believed them or had any reason to check, because it wasn’t very prevalent in my age group lol. but now Im seeing it more and more at parties, so i decided to look into it. I also heard my friend discussing it yesterday and decided it would be a good thing to look up and write about. Couldn’t imagine, if it did cut your throat, how painful it would be too. Don;t think the company would be up and running if its alc. was hurting people.

  3. Kory M Barbanel

    I had a good laugh while i was reading this blog. When i was younger in order for my parents to scare me away from drinking this when i saw it, they told me that the gold flakes the bottle cut your throat therefore letting the alcohol have easy entry into your blood. As a younger lad, this scared me to death until i found out the truth about this alcohol. Now that i think about it, that would be an extremely dangerous side effect of the alcohol if it actually cut up your throat.
    here is a rumor buster from slopes, clearly we weren’t the only ones that knew about this myth

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